Gelios Paves the Way for Lending in the New P2P Economy

Gelios Paves the Way for Lending in the New P2P Economy
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Getting a loan or credit was never supposed to be hard, but at least until very recently, it was. A lot of things made these kinds of financial services inaccessible to everyday people, namely banks, big business, and borders.

Banks - large and small, public and private - have for centuries dominated the lending industry, and have always made things difficult for the average borrower. It all starts with central banks, that arbitrarily control national currencies, and set interest rates.

Private banks and big businesses have for some time been able to make huge profits by taking advantage of people who can’t necessarily afford, or lack the responsibility to get, a loan. Getting a loan across a border has essentially been impossible for individuals - but oh so easy for governments - and you can’t even tell where the money is coming from sometimes.

But, very recently, things have started to change. The rise of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are making bank, large financial institutions, and borders irrelevant - and this will change the way loans are issued forever.

Gelios will be at the forefront of lending in the new crypto economy.

The Gelios company, a Brainysoft subsidiary and resident of the prestigious Skolkovo innovation center is building a platform that will enable peer-to-peer (P2P) cryptocurrency lending, utilizing the latest in blockchain technologies. The platform has been conceived to make it possible for users to be issued or to issue loans on an individual basis, between peers.

The blockchain is enabling a circumnavigation of the third-party - the traditional financial institution. The main participants on the platform will be the lender and the borrower, for whom deals will be facilitated using smart-contracts. Other important participants are risk-analysts - specialists who collect metrics about borrowers and establish crypto credit scores. Additionally, know-your-client (KYC), debt collection, and advertising (webmaster) services will be enlisted.

Cryptocurrency lending has been attempted before - and there have been notable successes and failures from a number of different projects. Gelios has learned from preceding projects and is creating a platform that has a very high probability of success . This is because Gelios has been conceived as a fully customizable platform. Gelios does not do the lending, the risk analytics, or the client authentication itself.

What Gelios does is it facilitates these processes to be carried out through open marketplaces of KYC providers, risk analytic algorithms, and debt-collector services.

How Gelios will work:

To give an example of how the platform will function, imagine you have a certain amount of money you would like to lend, in order to receive an eventual return from an interest rate (which is itself adjustable on the platform). One way you can offer your loan is through a white-label platform, where you can customize everything to fit the branding of your business.

Borrowers will eventually come to your loan offering, after their loan applications have gone through a decentralized system of risk analysis, carried out by algorithms created by risk-analysts in exchange for token rewards. When you find a borrower who seems like a good match, you allow the deal to take place - for the borrower to receive the loan.

If for some reason there is a delay in the return of the loan, a collector will be dispatched to use soft collection tools, preventing a hard default. The collector his or herself will be rewarded in the form of tokens.

Gelios’ structure

Gelios is designed to ensure security, dexterity, and high functionality. At the core of the platform is the Brainysoft core application server - trusted throughout the financial industry to power the advanced mathematical calculations required to provide financial services. Transactions between Gelios participants will be kept secure using a token emitted using the Ethereum blockchain network. A decentralized credit bureau is being formulated with a hyperledger fabric, further securing the system with smart-contracts between participants.

The business side

Statistics suggest that the P2P is growing - fast. Gelios is set to establish itself as the preeminent lending platform in this market.

It is expected that lenders will largely be from countries with economies that offer low interest rates - the USA, Western Europe, UK, and Australia. Borrowers will be from developing economies, where inflation is a problem and interest rates are high - Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe.

The Gelios token

8.5 million tokens will be emitted. In considering the high number of use-cases for the Gelios platform, it seems very clear that there will be a high demand for the token. The token will be used for transactions on the platform, and as rewards for various participants.

The Gelios Pre-Sale is set to begin on January 21st, 2018. 1,000,000 dollars in tokens will be sold at a bonus rate of 30%.

The ICO will begin March 13th, 2018 with a hard cap of 7 million dollars in tokens.

The Gelios MVP is operational - try it out at

To find out more about the Gelios project, visit