Balloon Boy: HuffPost Photoshop Contest!

HuffPost Photoshop Contest: Balloon Boy!

By now you've no doubt heard about "Balloon Boy" AKA Falcon Heene, the boy who captivated the media for an entire news cycle by virtue of not being in an escaped homemade hot air balloon. Were you were one of those frozen to your TV or your computer unable to peel yourself away from the mind-boggling developments? (Was it all a hoax? What are STORM CHASERS? When did Falcon get the flu?) As a police officer discussing the case put it: "I don't know how many of us participate in reality TV shows... or chase storms. I just... We can speculate but I just don't know." Well. Here's your chance to take back the narrative.

A number of interesting pictures were snapped of the Heene family craft in motion. Now here's what we want: using this photograph, photoshop the balloon in unexpected locations, carrying unexpected passengers , or morphing into unexpected things. To add your submission, hit the participate button below, give your submission a title, upload the image and hit submit! Feel free to add a caption! The best submissions will show up in a slideshow below -- scroll down to view them.

Want examples? Check out the last HuffPost photoshop contest here!

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