John Oliver Exposes GOP's Most 'Heartbreakingly Stupid' Anti-Trans Talking Point

The host of "Last Week Tonight" has a fact-check for right-wing politicians.

John Oliver on Sunday returned to the topic of trans rights ― and pulled apart some of the dumbest yet most persistent right-wing talking points used to argue against equality.

For example, sports.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) has made anti-trans legislation a central part of her agenda, signing a law that ― among other things ― essentially forbids transgender girls from competing in youth sports.

But Oliver stepped in with a fact-check.

“Kids aren’t plotting big, deceitful school sports-related cheating schemes just to get what they want,” he said. “You’re thinking of Lori Loughlin. That’s who you’re thinking of here. You’re confused.”

He also looked at the growing number of GOP lawmakers citing a debunked conspiracy theory of schools stocking kitty litter for students who identify as cats.

“The fact you seem to genuinely think that that’s happening is just heartbreakingly stupid,” he said after playing clips of politicians in Minnesota and other states all repeating that line.

He added:

Because when you think about it for literally two seconds the whole thing falls apart. For one, if kids were using litter boxes in class, a state representative from Minnesota would not be the one breaking that news to you. You would’ve fucking heard about it. If a kid shat in a litter box in first period, it would be the only thing anyone in that state was talking about by lunch. Minnesota would change its state motto to “Minnesota: Y’know, the state where that kid shit in a litterbox.”

And those weren’t the only right-wing myths and talking points he dismantled.

See more from “Last Week Tonight” on Sunday:

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