Kimberly Burke is your Ambitious Goal Achievement Expert

Kimberly Burke is your Ambitious Goal Achievement Expert
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Kim Burke, M.A. is the Founder/Coach at Queen Kim Enterprises, LLC dba QKE 4 Growth, where she inspires people to achieve their personal goals. She is a Certified Coach, Teacher, and Speaker with The John Maxwell Team. Kim earned her Masters from Webster University in Management & Leadership and her Bachelors in Psychology from Florida A&M University.  She is as an award winning speaker, and author of The Code to Greatnessand The 28 Day Growth Challenge. She leads a Goal Getters Mastermind program for serious women ready to intentionally set themselves up for greatness. Additionally, she hosts her annually live event in January, The Personal Growth Series, which is where Goal Setters transform into Goal Getters.  You can follow Coach Kim on social media @CoachKimBurke. You can find out more about her at





  The time is now to begin to shine the light on women who are bold enough to dream a dream and courageous enough to pursue it. We must continue to celebrate, elevate, collaborate and congratulate women who harness their power to their passion, who have identified and tapped into their innate talent, who have invested time, energy and resources into nurturing their gifts; Those who have ditched the yellow brick road and have designed their own paths. We must remember and learn from the brave women who have discovered the powers within and have committed to a pursuit of purpose. 

  I am Inspired by the amazing women who are fearlessly standing in their power and showing the world The Audacity of an Ambitious Woman. This week we are Featuring Kimberly Burke. Kimberly is your Goal Achievement Expert.



 During our Interview I asked Kimberly, 


What Fuels Your Ambition?


Turning my dreams into reality fuels my ambition. I get excited when I achieve my goals so I intentionally make goal sheets with specific end goal dates and dare myself to complete them by placing check marks next to each goal. It can be nerve wrecking, but I enjoy challenging myself to do more, serve more, and achieve the things that are destined for me. Pursing my dreams has always kept me inspired, so I am constantly setting big goals and achieving them one by one while enjoying my growth journey.


What is Your Ultimate Goal?


My vision is to be an international speaker. I want to speak in front of 50,000 or more people to inspire them to move from stagnation to results by intentionally setting themselves up for greatness through my innovative goal setting cycle, The CODE. The CODE is Clarity, Options, Discipline, and Execution. This system changed my life and I want to share it with others all around the world. I will become a Black Woman Millionaire working full time in my coaching company serving others daily.


The Struggle Is Real, but so Are the Blessings


Kim is the epitome of intentional growth. She has worked tirelessly over the years to ensure that all of her dreams come true. She went from abandonment by her mother at the age of 16 to encouraging women around the world to transform from Goal Setters into Goal Getters. She went from struggling with internal oppression (negative-chatter in her head) to teaching women how to love themselves first and to instill more positivity in their lives. Kim is an unapologetic Goal Getter and believes in the power of personal development and knows that it can change the trajectory of your life because she is a walking testimony. 

How Does Someone Transform from a Goal Setter into a Goal Getter?

God has given me the power of strength to endure difficult times. So, no matter what I am going through he always seems to get me from point A to point B. If you are truly ready to transform to a Goal Getter you must encompass at least 3 of my 6 personal growth strategies.


1. Divine Intervention – You have to seek a higher power to gain the strength to persevere, especially when you feel stuck.


2. Write It Down – Write out your goals, look at them daily, and believe you can accomplish them.


3. Do Your Growth Work – Find out how to be more effective by intentionally doing the things that will help you get closer to your goal. Do your growth work and God will fulfill the desires of their hearts.

Kim’s Philosophy is, People who want to achieve their goals, do achieve their goals.