Tall Club New York City Enhances Members' Career Prospects

How A Tall Club Can Help Your Job Prospects
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A social club for tall adults is nothing new. Believe it or not, these organizations have been around for years, popping up all over the U.S. and around the world.

But the question remains: Beyond discussing the lack of leg room on long-haul flights, what do tall people talk about when they congregate in high ceilinged rooms?

For those too short to find out -- candidates must be 6'2 for men or 5'10 for women -- a Wall Street Journal report reveals that at the Tall Club New York City, the talk among members remains work focused and professional, with the occasional opportunity for members to advance job prospects. Of course, other topics include ergonomic chairs and the best tailor shops at which to get suited and booted.

While a study out of Northwestern University says tall people do earn 3 percent more, Tall Club President Barry Hanold insists having longer limbs has other extra costs, such as tailoring costs and the need to purchase bigger cars.

Of course, tall networking is just the beginning. For those looking for something beyond the workplace, fear not. Turns out there's even a tall persons dating site to check out.

For more on the talk inside the Tall Club, head over to the Wall Street Journal.

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