The Great Animal Escapes Of 2009

The Great Animal Escapes Of 2009

Is it just us or are the animals really starting to revolt this year?

We've been fascinated by the surging number of animal escapes this year -- most in the last month -- so here are a few of our favorites!

A hybrid between a wolf and a regular dog has gone missing from Akseswane Territory in Ontario, Canada.

The ape, a 27-year-old female named Karta, jammed a stick into wires connected to the fence and then piled up debris to climb a concrete and glass wall at the Adelaide Zoo.

Zoo curator Peter Whitehead told reporters Karta sat on top of the fence for about 30 minutes before apparently changing her mind about the escape and climbing back into the enclosure.

Spooked by heavy rain, the bull jumped a fence and stealthily eluded a search party for hours before it took to the Delaware River, swimming between Pennsylvania and New Jersey a couple of times.

More than 180 pigs escaped in a truck crash on the way to becoming bacon. The doors swung open and the pigs hit the ground running.

The spirited cow dodged cars, cops and a few irate butchers for a mile after escaping Wednesday from the Queens slaughterhouse. Police captured the heifer an hour later.

The New York Times reports that Molly was signed over to animal control services by the slaughterhouse's owner.

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