They're coming for you

They're coming for you
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First Trump came for President Obama, claiming that Obama wasn’t an American. Republicans said nothing.

Then Trump cozied up with supporters on the alt-right who came for the victims of Newtown, saying that the shooting never happened. And republican leaders said nothing but do still continue to block gun-control legislation.

Then Trump came for Muslims, calling for a religious ban. And republican leaders said nothing.

Then Trump came for Hillary Clinton, calling her “Crooked Hillary,” and republicans remained silent as Trump supporters chanted: “Lock her up. Lock her up.”

Then Trump came for Mexicans, calling them rapists and murderers. And republicans said nothing.

Then Trump came for judges, arguing that U.S. District Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel was biased because he was Mexican, even though the judge was born in Indiana. Republicans said nothing.

Then Trump came for the media, calling any story he didn’t agree with fake news. And republicans said nothing.

Then Trump came for women, bragging about grabbing their genitalia. Some republicans feigned anger, but refused to take away their endorsements, while other republicans called it locker room talk, and then tried to defund Planned Parenthood.

Then Trump came for African Americans, blaming Black Lives Matter protesters for police violence. And republicans said nothing.

Then Trump came for our healthcare, and republicans tried as hard as they could to help Trump take away healthcare from millions of Americans.

Then Trump and his voter fraud commission came for the elderly, the poor and minority voters, and republicans said nothing, as they worked to pass even more restrictive voter ID laws.

Then Trump set ICE agents loose on immigrants, who rounded up so-called criminals and broke up families. And republicans said nothing.

Then Trump came for then-FBI director James Comey. And Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said, well, Trump’s new to this. He’s not steeped in blah, blah, blah. Ryan later asked Americans to read Ayn Rand.

Then Trump came for transgender Americans. Mitch McConnell said nothing. Ryan said nothing, although about Trump’s Tweets Ryan did once say, “I don’t read that stuff.”

Then Trump came for the protesters who marched against neo-Nazis. And republican leaders went so far as to Tweet.

Then Trump said there were “very fine people” marching with the Nazis. And Ryan and McConnell Tweeted, well, we think Nazis are bad, but can we get back to cutting taxes for the wealthy.

Trump voters and republican politicians, one question: When Trump comes for you, who will be left to march in your defense?

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