Tony Peraica Live Tweets Cook County Board Meeting

Tony Peraica Live Tweets Cook County Board Meeting
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Republican Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica decided to tweet through the Cook County Board meeting on Tuesday, where he once again tried getting Todd Stroger's sales tax rolled back even further.

Peraica has been a staunch opponent of Stroger's tax increase since it was introduced, and even though the board already rolled back 0.5 percent of the sales tax, cutting the total tax rate in Chicago from 10.25 percent to 9.75 percent, Peraica feels more should be done:

"I believe with one week before the primary election on Feb. 2 and the complete outrage that voters are feeling out there ... there's a revolution brewing out there," Peraica told Chicago Current.

Peraica presented a ordinance to repeal the Stroger hike during Tuesday's board meeting--and figured he would share the results with his Twitter followers in real time. First, other business matters, then the sales tax came up:

"Com Suffredin moved to send Stroger Sales Tax repeal to Finance Comt. Suffredin, the deciding vote on sales tax, does it AGAIN. Roll call."

"Com. Daley is speaking in favor of referal to Finance Comt. They are refusing to let the matter come to the vote."

"Com Collins is now personally attacking me for tweeting from the county board."

Despite the build up on Twitter, the end result wasn't so exciting: the board ended up voting to move the ordinance to finance committee. Peraica was not pleased:

"The vote was 11-Yes, 6-No and 1-Absent to refer to FInance. NO votes were: Claypool, Gorman, Goslin, Peraica, Schenider and Silvetri."