Why Stiglitz is Wrong on the ‘Flexible Euro’

Why Stiglitz is Wrong on the ‘Flexible Euro’
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Former Chief Economist of the World Bank, and Nobel prize winner Joseph Stiglitz’s new book, The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe, is filled with many truths and brilliant insight. However, he is mistaken in calling for a flexible euro. What is needed is not a flexible euro; which would only add to the chaos in Europe. What is needed is for executive and legislative branches to start effectively doing their jobs, and restore the rule of law to their courts. They also need to start implementing human rights standards into their inner workings, as wells in deliberations by judges, and argumentation of lawyers.

To illustrate the dire state of affairs, please see the table of the violation of my rights in Spain during my divorce, under their Constitution, civil code, penal code, equality laws, and international conventions, etc. Additionally, see my case against the IMF for Workplace Bullying on top of my case against DC Landlord/tenant court. The ‘name of the Game’ in courts around the world is ‘death by litigation,’ high-lighted in the guilty verdict of Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in the ‘Bernard Tapie Affair’ in France. The litigation against Madame Lagarde, as former Minister of Finance in France, is a perfect example as how, and why, courts are being used to harass and oppress citizens. The case in question, Tapie vs. Credit Lyonnais, is a perfect example of ‘death by litigation’ and is why Lagarde approved its arbitration. While the true issue is to remove the ‘death by litigation’ culture which dominates legal systems, and why the violation of rights of citizens in the courts at present are crimes against humanity.

In the analysis of your book, Stiglitz is extremely correct in his assertion, that economists should be concerned with more than how many jobs are created, but what kind of jobs are being created. The bullying, psychopath networks that dominate the work-force in Washington, DC, held together by HR personnel in their discrimination against anyone who does not possess a PhD or MBA, as well as anyone who opted out of their “Game;” is responsible for the horrific state of political inertia (in DC as well as globally). It is also why someone like Donald Trump won his bid for Presidency of the “Free World.” Michael Moore is correct that the US Presidential Elections were the biggest F-you that the “middle America” could deliver. But, what policy-makers fail to understand is that the F-you in Europe is on the rise for the same reason—for the simple reason that these “democratic” governments are completely failing to transform their rhetoric into reality.

My case Wilcox vs. Spain, will be the 3rd jurisprudence of violence against women (VAW) as human rights violations, challenging the Spanish government’s defense in the 2nd jurisprudence, Gonzalez Carreno vs. Spain, 2014 (Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), which was “judicial error” and a failure to exhaust domestic remedies. In the past decade, I have “exhausted” “domestic remedies” that all the idiot Spanish civil servants and public authorities in Spain and USA, did not even know existed (see correspondence on the right-hand side bar of www.warondomesticterrorism.com). Then to add insult to injury, the idiots at the Spanish bar association (Colegio de Abogados de Madrid) claim that it is the “right of lawyers in Spain to violate the rights of their clients under the principle of judicial independence.” Capacity building, regardless of the arena, must concentrate on eliminating all of the psychopaths and ‘seat-warming’ nepotism networks that are working in collusion with HR departments to maintain the antiquated status quo of inertia and omission of action, that found its genesis with the Reagan Era (see my report FfD: A Midsummer Night’s Dream)—if not before.

I moved to Europe in the late ‘80s, after having lived in England for 1 ½ years in the mid-‘70s. During my stance in Europe, from ’81 to ’09, I lived in Paris, Miami (6 months), Madrid, Brussels, Paris again, Bogota (6 years), Madrid, until my return to the USA, and DC, in 2009. As a consumer, market researchers, and entrepreneur; I personally witnessed the advantages of the introduction of the euro. Introducing a flexible euro now, would be like introducing a flexible dollar between the states in the USA. What Europe needs is restoration of law and order in its courts and societies, not more chaos for citizens, which will serve to escalate the already escalating violence.

In a review of Stiglitz’s book, entitled The Euro: Joseph Stiglitz is Wrong, Guillaume Duval states “European who sets out to write a book about what the Americans should do to limit inequality in the United States and bridge the growing gap between Republicans and Democrats, whites and blacks, or the states of the Bible Belt and those along the coasts, would surely be off the mark as well.” However, Duval is very wrong, because, I, a French naturalized citizen, did exactly that in my analysis in my blogs on Linkedin, in the past year in my unsuccessful efforts to inject some sanity into the US Presidential Elections. I, and my older sister, were married to Europeans and lived outside of the USA since the mid ‘80s, disgusted with the hedonism and excessive consumerism on the East coast of the time, and little desire to live in rural America where my parents, younger sister, and most of my cousins live. Additionally, my ex-husband is Spanish and French, with him the only one in his family to have attained higher education. I am as familiar with “middle-America” as much as I am familiar with “middle-Europe.” European societies are as homogenous as American societies, with the same trends of urbanization and excessive consumerism, and the dysfunctional, consequences produced; so, the contention of lack of “homogeny” in Europe, as to its demise, is erroneous.

Not only am I well familiar with the USA, its bible-belt, the Deep South, and the urbanization of the East and West Coast of past decade. But, I am also familiar with the problems of the American and Democratic parties, and racial issues between whites and blacks, as well as other “minorities.” My mother, who makes Nancy Reagan look like an Angel of Mercy, is a staunch Republican, supporting Goldwater in ’64, and Ted Cruz in the US Presidential primaries. And, while I would have always voted Democratic (if the American Consulates had processed my paperwork to vote while living abroad), I am more an Independent, and have not been happy with the pomp and circumstance of the Democrats for decades. And, as I explained in my previous correspondence, members in my family tree have been combating the same autocratic and bullying forces for centuries, going all the way back to the origins of the modern human rights movement; which began with the Puritan Movement, and one of its original documents, the Puritan Manifesto, co-authored by Thomas Wilcox, 1572.

In Stiglitz’s book, he acknowledge the enormous contribution his wife has made in his work. My mother always contended that the only reason that my father was not given a Nobel prize for his research and work in the treatment of thrombosis, was that he was not ‘backed’ by a large, prestigious hospital or university—and she is right. My father has been fighting the FDA and unbridled greed and incompetence in the medical community all of his life, as much as I have been fighting for social justice, and unbridled greed and incompetence in the legal community. However, an even bigger challenge for my father, and me, was having had ‘control freak’ psychopathic, spouses who are so intent on destroy their partners (because they can); that they destroy the most productive elements of society in their narcissistic manipulations. Everyone in the domestic violence arena agrees that domestic abuse is about power and control (and not the violence), but, as usual, none of the “experts” want to transform their rhetoric to reality.

I started examining the problems in economies around the world in early 2007, in my research for a blog explaining to expats their elevated risk in buying real estate in a foreign country, particularly if their move is for an indeterminate time. I looked at the Colombian housing market, in conjunction with their currency in the late ‘90s and turn of the century (the time in which we resided there). I also analyzed the Spanish housing market in the early ‘90s, in comparison with the market in 2007, in conjunction with the currency fluctuations of the peseta and euro in the interim. Not only did I demonstrate the down-side of high risk investments; but how exposure to real estate bubbles on top of currency bubbles significantly increased an investors risk. It was then that I started examining the housing real estate bubbles in the USA, and Europe, and realized the bubbles were all over the place and about to burst—and they did. And, financial markets collapse, in response, just as I predicted. These trends are the same trends that have been developing in middle income countries in the past decade, and these countries will experience similar problems as the high-income countries did when financial markets collapsed in 2008. My case study of Turkey highlights many of the issues in my blog How Those in 'The Swamp' are Behind the Break-up of Europe, and Rise of Extremism and Violence Within its Borders.

The ‘American Dream’ social model created in the USA in the aftermath of WWII, and the destruction of Europe, created a large middle-class in the USA, with large consumer markets, as well as enough surplus so that even the middle-class could save and invest. However, what everyone fails to appreciate is that the creation of this model was possible due to the destruction of Europe, and the need for its reconstruction. Additionally, the social model of the 50’s, raised the masses high enough on Maslow’s pyramid, so that they started to reflect on more than just survival needs; moving to self-actualizations ones as well. This gave rise to social movements such as civil rights of Afro-American, women’s rights, and LGBT rights. However, there was a ‘subversive’ white-male, supremacist back-lash to these movements beginning in the ‘80s; and explained in Susan Faludi’s book Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women and Michelle Alexander’s book The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. This is why discrimination against poor blacks, and ‘poor’ white women, is at its heights. It is also why upper-middle class women (trophy-wives) with common-property savings and investments are the most detrimentally effected during a divorce, particularly involving domestic abuse, during which they are systematically defrauded of assets, savings, and pensions. The courts are guided by psychopathic gobbledygook designed to oppress and exploit populations, rather than protect or defend their rights.

In fact, my divorce “war” started because I saw the collapse of financial markets everywhere coming, and told my husband to sell all stocks, and invest in short positions. He is a currency trader, and was even Director of the Treasury Dept. of the Banco Ganadero in Colombia, a subsidiary of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), when he crash-n-burned and destroyed himself. Under the Spanish civil code, my husband, not only had an obligation to disclose ALL finances of the family to me, but also consult me in its management. But, lawyers and judges claimed that not only did I have no rights to any of the common property asset or funds, but that the erratic, and even crazy, investment “strategies” of my husband during our marriage was “investing.” The people in the courts are as CRAZY and as psychopathic as those in banking systems. When I worked in the financial markets in the ‘80s, at least people understood the concept of money management, and spreading your risks. Nowadays, everyone considers ‘high-risk/high-yield’ gambling, the only form of investment. The Spanish legal system on paper is exemplary. But, the Spanish lawyers are even more incompetent than the American lawyers (see www.warondomesticterrorism.com.)

One of the major things you expose in your book, is that economist have been negligent in examining what kind of jobs are being created; with their only concern, that “jobs” are being created. However, as I can demonstrate time and time again, in analysis after analysis, resource allocation has a very PROFOUND effect on economies and societies. At present, due to my wrongful termination from the Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) over a year ago, and my black-listing from future employment in the Fund due the discriminatory policy of the IMF’s HR department of, a “cooling-off” period for 8-years for any contractual that has been terminated by the Fund; I have been prevented from applying for the following positions, IMF ICD Senior Personnel Manager (SPM), IMF RBM Projects Manager, Programs Assistant for French ED at the IMF, Senior Administrative Assistant at the IMF, Staff Assistant at the IMF. I am highly qualified for all of these positions, but not even accorded an interview. And, in the case of SPM and particularly RBM (Result-Based Management), I am THE most highly qualified person for the job. RBM is based on understanding human rights standards. And, I can assure NO ONE in The Swamp understands human rights standards better than I, as well as how to apply them to every aspect of life and academia.

As many economists are recognizing at present, most job creation in the past decade in the USA have been contractuals, without benefits and job security. The IMF is a perfect example of how employers are not only having to hire contractuals to “pick up the slack” of their seat-warming staff, who are consistently demonstrating negligence rates of 70-90%; but also, how they are exploiting these workers, and are offering-up contractuals as “sacrificial lambs” to staffers, to bully and berate at their hearts content.

The common response in the legal community, is that since there is no specific law prohibiting bullying, no one can bring a law-suit against employers—demonstrating once again the level of stupidity amongst lawyers, and the extent to which the break-down in the rule of law in the USA is COMPLETE. What all these idiots fail to understand is that penal and civil codes, and well as standard rules of contract law, exist so that EVERYTHING does not need specific legislation regulating every aspect of life in order to bring a law-suit. Is it any wonder that the USA (and Europe) are headed towards totalitarianism, with millions and millions of lawyers in the world totally incompetent in defending client’s rights, but very adept in violating them?

If I had been “empowered” in the past decade, my company Global Expats, would be producing ~3000 in Spain, as well as untold thousands more for low, middle, and high income women in countries around the world—working on reforms in educational systems, as well as healthcare, legal systems, and public-policies and public institutions, women’s and children’s rights, global warming, etc. I originally came to Washington in ’81 on an internship for former Senator, and lobbyist, J. Bennett Johnston (D-LA) determined to forge a career in international politics, but quickly became disillusioned with Washington and the American political process. I left in the late ‘80s, but never lost my conviction and dedication to a professional life in public service. When I came up for the idea of Global Expats and all of its different divisions in 2005-06, it was with the intention of “fixing” all of the social and economic problems, I had observed in the USA, Europe and South America. With the labor forces that Global Expats could build, there would be sufficient resources to implement the reforms needed to the various institutions. (In this I agree with Stiglitz, the euro is not working because the necessary institutions are not there.)

However, instead, of empowering me, corrupt courts and stupid, civil servants, have empowered stupid queen-for-a-day women in “The Swamp,” like Anne-Beatrix Keller, Adrianne Thapa, Jennifer Chidac, Imel Yu, Carolina Griffiths, Bathsheba Philpott, etc. who are at liberty to wreak havoc in their place of work, as well as their homes. One of the biggest fallacies in the feminist literature is that putting women in places of power is a “cure-all” to all the problems of the world. The reality is that women with “means” (upper and upper-middle class) were kept out of the workplace for a reason. The chaos and havoc silly, gossiping women bring to the work-place is why all of the “experts” brains are so frazzled that they cannot “think straight.” During my years at the IMF, it pained me greatly to see the economists “running around like chickens with their heads cut-off” in all the flurry of meetings after meetings they incessantly had to attend—with IMF HR cumbia initiatives a JOKE—which I am sure taxpayers footing the bill would not find too funny. I used to tell all the economist “you guys are ‘meeting’ yourselves to death! lol” The quantity of superfluous “advisory” jobs which are being produced in the business community in order to attempt to “fix” the 70-90% negligence rates are truly grotesque. The monies and resources wasted in inefficient business communities need to be directed at services for middle-class families in child-care, education, etc.

Another perfect example of faulty resource allocations, is in my impasse in the past decade to integrate myself into the DC labor market. I am an A-type personality, and always, have to be “doing something,” as the vicious, gossipy women of the world will tell you (meaning it as an insult, not a compliment). The first ‘head-hunter’ I met upon my return to DC in 2009 told me “I am going to have a hard time finding you a job, because anyone who interviews you will be afraid that in 6 months you will have their job.” And, this has been my problem time, and time again, in the few interviews I am actually accorded. The attitude of HR personnel is “You opted out of the ‘Game’ to have kids, too bad for you! You made your bed, now lie in it!” One of the jobs I have applied for is with New America, as Senior Manager of Corporate Partnership, but have not even been accorded an interview, even though all of the blogs I have been producing in the past year cover the same issues, and say basically the same thing as New America’s website. New America’s budget is $25 million/year, and employs 150 employees. If I were given a budget of $25 million/year and 150 employees, “The Swamp” would have been cleaned up long ago, and the world would not be facing a Dictatorship under Trump, with France next in line I fear, under Marine Le Pen.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn was brought down before the French elections by Sofitel executives and the American press, in order to disempower the Left in France. And, Christine Lagarde is being set-up as the ‘fall-guy’ (as Michael Lewis told her in their One-on-One in the IMF/WB Annual Meetings) when markets crash, and the world heads toward the Great Depression with the “guilty” verdict, without “punishment” in the Bernard Tapie affair in France, meant to "taint" her character and reputation. (See my blog Christine Lagarde, Bernard Tapie, and Arbitration: Observations of a CSO Rep at the IMF/WB Spring Meetings – Part 16). However, what all the male-supremacists, pulling the strings on all the “puppets-n-muppets” in power, did not calculate into their maneuverings over the years, is that I can, and do exonerate both Strauss-Kahn and Lagarde repeatedly in my blogs.

However, that is not to say that Lagarde will not be without scandal when the markets crash. The scandal for Lagarde, then, will be why did the Fund fired one of the few people who truly understands the problems economies around the world are facing, and why they keep on crashing-n-burning; and what needs to be done about it! Not only did the IMF terminate one of its hardest working and most productive employee (being paid $15/hour for most of her tenure). But, they did so in order to cover-up for queen-for-a-day bullying by long-term, seat-warming IMF secretaries, who are responsible for the ostrich-playing of the economists in the department, and their failure to fulfill the mandate of the IMF. Not only am I the only one in the IMF trying to institute the management reforms that Christine Lagarde is calling for, but I am the only one who is in touch with reality as to the dire state of world affairs—with a causal factor between the two. My case is a perfect example of what happens to whistleblowers in the workplace.

Another one of the many jobs I applied for, and one for which I am one of the most highly-qualified candidate was President of the Center for Global Development; for which of course, I was never even accorded an interview. Instead the position was given to one of the members of the “in-group;” IMF ‘game-player’ Masood Ahmed. I saw in Stiglitz’s book that he mention Masood Ahmed as one of the many excellent economists in the “Game,” along with Olivier Blanchard. Now I am the first to agree that I lack many of the math skills and econometric skills necessary for many of the economist’s jobs in the job market at present. However, I do believe, I am one of THE public-policy experts in Washington, who has a better grasp and understanding of both macro and micro economics; than any public-policy expert in all of DC, no matter how many PhDs and MBAs they have.

The understanding that I have of the USA and how their problems are destroying not only the social fabric in the USA, but also its economy—and how this dysfunctional socio-economic model is being exported to countries around the world; is unique. Yet I cannot even get a job as a secretary or building maintenance. While economist such as Ahmed and Blanchard are certainly superior “technicians” than I in econometrics. They are, however, missing the “Big Picture” within the political arena. The Center for Global Development’s objective is to encourage policy change in the USA in order to reduce global poverty and inequality in countries around the world. If the Center for Global Development had been more effective in the past 16 years, since its creation, someone as deplorable as Donald Trump would not have won the US Presidential Elections with a promise to “drain the Swamp.” Dr. Ahmed may be a good “Game” player and excellent economic technician, however, if he truly understood the complexities of the problems economies face, the IMF would not be playing ostrich to the problems in financial market, banking systems, economies, and societies around the world, at present. Additionally, in 2010, while working at the IMF Family Association (IMFFA), I commented on a blog of Olivier Blanchard in which he was explaining the 2008 financial collapse. In the comment, I asked him if the 2008 financial crash was not just another crash, and part of crash-n-burn trends starting in the ‘70s. Blanchard responded no. And, while of course I didn’t argue with him, I thought “these economists need to come down from their clouds and ivory-towers!!”

One of the trends my research has shown, is that the “ostrich-playing” of “experts” in Washington, and elsewhere; is being maintained by the bullying networks of minority women in the workplace. At the international level, it is Middle-eastern women (Hindu more passive-aggressive, than Islamic women), while in the USA, and particularly DC, it is the black (Afro-American) women who have a vice-grip on the men. Anthropologist Laura Nader in her book, Life of the Law, exposes many of the issues, and are explored with her analysis in my blogs, Cost of Corruption: Open Letter to IMF Panelist Carlo Grasso in the IMF/WB Annual Meeting 2016 and Guilty Verdict of Christine Lagarde: Political Witch-hunt to Bring Her Down Before Markets Crash.

One of the advantages of rigid-hierarchal social systems is that the elite are socialized and groomed to take on leadership roles when they become adults; with European monarchies, particularly Queen Elizabeth II and the British Royal family a perfect example. While I believe Queen Elizabeth II should abdicate in favor of Prince Charles—her story is one of “duty and obligation.” One of the many problems in allowing general populations access to higher education and socio-economic mobility is that the nouveau riche rarely understand that with position and power comes great responsibilities. In the past 40 years Washington, DC has become a cess-pool, inundated with crocodiles, alligators, piranhas, and sharks, and why it needs to be drained. While “public service” is in my nature, my father instilled in me, and my siblings, the belief and knowledge, that with privilege comes responsibility and obligations—as did his father before him, not just with rhetoric, but with his actions. What Hillary Clinton failed to understand, and why she lost the elections, is that her cheerleading, ladies-in-waiting and her ‘camp’ in the Swamp, is filled with almost as many deplorables, as the deplorables that voted for Trump. Nuchhi Currier and the Woman’s National Democratic Club, is as bad as IMFFA, World Bank Family Network, Federation of American Women’s Club, American Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center, etc., etc. These Swamps need draining as bad as all the NGOs and government agencies in DC. While I do not relish public speaking, I should have been up on the podium speaking at the Women’s March alongside Michael Moore, instead of Gloria Steinman, a feminist who has been part of ‘The Problem’ in ‘The Swamp’ for decades; and why Trump won.

The world is at the cross-roads of humanity, and its hour of reckoning. We need not ask for whom the bell tolls, because it tolls for us All. If the Sinking of the Titanic is to be prevented it is going to take Herculean efforts of a “few honest men and women” in “The Swamp” in the coming months. I do not believe Trump will finish his presidency, impeachment or assassination(?). However, I am even more concerned with an Administration under Mike Pence and all of the Goldman Sachs and military members of the Administration. When the ‘stupid, white, bible-belt, red-necks’ who voted for Trump realize that he is not going to bring manufacturing jobs back to the USA, they are going to become as pissed-off as the inner-city black men (held in a vice grip by the bullying, black women). The entire situation will degrade into a Civil War. And, if Europe continues on its present course they too will end in a blood-bath. As I promised all the young black men during my “Vote Hillary Clinton Campaign” in the weeks preceding the Elections if Trump were to win, I am calling for a dissolution of the American government, a New Constitution (using the Spanish Constitution (1978) as a model), please see my blog Cost of Corruption: Open Letter to President, Barak Obama, 9/11 was the 1st Worst Day in America, 11/9 Was the 2nd Worst Day! (I did not bring my children into this world to see them end in a blood-bath.)

However, instead of getting support from all the “feminists” and “activist,” the cackling-hen who ‘rule the roost’ at present are accusing me of trying to “over-throw” the American government. If all of these “ladies” were working together instead of playing queen-for-a-day, Trump would never have won. There is a BIG difference between calling for a violent over-throw of a government, and calling for a peaceful, dissolution of a government that is in violation of the Law and its Constitution. In Southern Europe, they dissolve governments as often as some people change clothing. In fact, these countries are at the other end of the spectrum. The smallest problem, and “heads start rolling.” Everyone in Power is calling for a paradigm-shift, but need to start putting their money where their mouth is. I am well aware of the fact that I often make people “uncomfortable,” but, it is imperative that “The Swamp” be drained of the deplorables. Trump’s administration must be prevented from targeting minorities and dissenters, and persecuting them in the courts; which will be very easy with the dire state of affairs in judicial systems, with the legislative and executive branches turning a blind-eye to the entire mess.

It is imperative that court systems be draconianly reformed, with the criminally negligent members prosecuted for their crimes, with reparations to victims. For example, two judges (Wiggins and Newman, husband of Sheila Johnson) in Arlington, VA courts who are working in collusion with social service agents in child-trafficking, as well as re-victimizing, victims of domestic violence (see my blog-series The Right to Truth, the Obligation to Protect, and Universal Jurisdiction), need investigation by authorities. Additionally, DC Landlord/tenant court and the 2 legal clinics there, needs to be investigated for criminal negligence along with Judge Rankin; who I have been informed by people throughout DC is “known” for his bullying in his court-room. The criminal elements within judicial system, and government agencies, are well-known by victims, and general population. The evidence against them is over-whelming. However, everyone in the legislative and executive branch are turning a blind-eye to the entire situation; and anyone who denounces the situation is bullied, oppressed, and marginalized—as my current state of affairs and unemployment is testament. The same tactics being used by Scientologists, as exposed in Leah Remini’s show “Scientology and the Aftermath,” are being used in the courts to harass, bully, and oppress citizens.

Washington, DC at present is no different than Berlin during the rise to power of Hitler and the Third Reich, and is being maintained by bullying networks of deplorables, as well as the ostrich-playing of all those in power, and the ‘intellects.’ In Stiglitz’s book, he talks about the many ‘important’ people with whom he has hob-nobbed with in Europe and the USA, as well as the value of the intellectual stimulation of colleagues and students at Colombia University. Unfortunately, all the intellects and ‘important’ people in The Swamp need to come down from their ivory-towers, stop attending stupid cumbia retreats of HR “professionals” and face the realities of the world. If I had been given the job of Senior Personnel Manager of ICD, the economists and policy-makers in the department would be having field trips to Anacostia and SE Washington, instead of schmoozing-n-cruising, dress-up parties, that IMF HR personnel so love to plan—with a hefty price-tag at taxpayer’s expense, I might add.

As seen in the case study of my “re-inseretion” into the work-force in Spain, and then DC, in the past 15 years; resource allocation, in the public and private sector, have a profound, profound effect on societies. Bad resource allocation, of humans as well as natural resources, can produce dictatorships and Holocausts, as is presently the case. Or it can produce stable, healthy economies, run by stable healthy people, if we can find a few.

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