Why You Should See Your Life As A Movie

Why You Should See Your Life As A Movie
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You may have heard the phrase “Our life is a movie and we are the actors.”

Perhaps you like watching good movies, and realize that the best actors are those who are convincing in their roles. How do actors succeed at a role? They read the scenario, practice lines, learn to feel the emotions and desires of a character. Then they immerse themselves in above steps until the scenario becomes a reality to them. Until they become that character.


Have you ever considered that you too, are living your life based on a scenario? A scenario assigned to you in your past, the one you believed in. You may not even remember when it happened and who you were before. But the saddest part is that you may not realize that you’re playing a role picked for you by someone else.

Yet, the life you’re living today is only one of many scenarios you could be living.

And with that, comes an understanding that you have the ability to change your role. You can even write your own scenario, choose your character, and become the hero of your own movie.

In the same way you once learned the role you play today, you can do it again.

How does a producer help an actor succeed in the role? If the role is of a loser, a producer will convince an actor that he is a failure who hates his life and doesn’t have any prospects for a better future. After a while, an actor will start feeling and acting accordingly. His posture will change, he’ll start looking down and he’ll begin to mumble.

Or imagine a producer convincing an actress that she is a successful and happy woman. He tells her she’s amazing and confident. And suddenly she starts believing it. She begins to shine. Her shoulders get pulled backward and she smiles.

You too, have had producers tell you who you are, and what your role is. And you believed them.

The secret is that you can play any role of your wildest dreams. But the sad truth is, many people play a secondary role even in their own lives. If this is you, it’s time to stop hiding in the corner. Stop playing the role of an extra. Stop agreeing to everything that’s happening around you. Don’t quietly enter the movie of your life and wait for the end to silently leave.

This is your life. You’re the star of your own movie called life. You can create it and own it. Be the producer. Give yourself the lead role, and play it boldly.

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