
Jules Polonetsky

CEO, Future of Privacy Forum

Jules Polonetsky serves as CEO of the Future of Privacy Forum - a Washington, D.C. based think tank that seeks to advance responsible data practices. The FPF includes an advisory board comprised of leading figures from industry, academia, law and advocacy groups.

As AOL’s former Chief Privacy Officer and SVP for Consumer Advocacy, Jules was responsible for ensuring that AOL’s users could trust the company with their information and for educating employees about best practices for advertising, content, and product development.

Jules previously served for four years as Vice President, Integrity Assurance, at America Online Inc. The Integrity Assurance team was responsible for a wide range of consumer protection and risk management issues for AOL’s brands (America Online, AIM, Netscape, Compuserve, Mapquest, MoviePhone, Spinner, WinAmp, ICQ, including privacy, advertising policy, content and community standards, product standards, parental controls, safety and accessibility for users with disabilities.

From March 2000 through April 2002, Jules was Chief Privacy Officer and Special Counsel at DoubleClick, the advertising and marketing technology company that at the time was the largest internet company in New York City. In that role, he worked with DoubleClick clients to institute and police their privacy policies and managed compliance with data protection requirements for DoubleClick subsidiaries world-wide. In his Special Counsel role, Jules oversaw DoubleClick’s government affairs activities and consumer related advertising practices.

In addition to these previous roles, Polonetsky served as the Consumer Affairs Commissioner for New York City, as an elected New York State Legislator and as a congressional staffer, and as an attorney. He has served on the boards of groups such as TRUSTe, the IAPP, the Network Advertising Initiative, the Privacy Projects, and the Better Business Bureau (NY Region).

His writing and research can be found at