6 Best Practices For Naming a Successful New Business

6 Best Practices For Naming a Successful New Business
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Your company's name should effectively communicate the product or service you offer, but how can you truly make it unique? Here's how to get your name to stand out from the crowd.

A. Identify Your Key Message

When working through a branding exercise for a new business, I find it most-helpful to figure out the organization's key message. This message traditionally encompasses the "who we are" and/or "what we do" concepts. From there, using core values or the organization's value proposition to carve out the brand's niche can lead to a natural and logical name that is both unique and on-brand. - Justin Moodley, LASANAN

A. Research SEO

When naming a new business, your first priority should be search engine optimization research. This will help you get found by your future customers locally, nationally, and internationally. - Ben Walker, Transcription Outsourcing, LLC

A. Check Competition, Domain Availability and USPTO

Once you've brainstormed a list of business names, check online domain searches for availability. If there is another company with the same or similarname in the same or similar industry, cross that off your list. If there is a similar company name in a completely different industry, check out domain availability and the USPTO website to avoid any future potential trademark infringement. - Angela Delmedico, Elev8 Consulting Group

A. Get Outside Your Bubble

It's great to get feedback from friends and family on a new business name, but their opinion is usually skewed. Ask for feedback from people you don't know, whether it be the bartender at your favorite watering hole or a complete stranger in your target demo. Offer a few of your favorites, see which names end up being the most popular, and keep an open mind because it's not always the one you want! - Matt Houston, Beachy

A. Think of Something Memorable

What I value the most when coming up with the name of a business is that it is memorable and unique. A major part of my new customer stream is based off of referrals and if a referred company can't remember my company name then I missed out on a potential client. In addition, some customers find companies via the web so the unique names get them to visit my site and possibly become a customer. - Ajmal Saleem, Suprex Learning LLC

A. Make it Visually Appealing

Humans remember things better if they can visually imagine it. Our minds have an almost infinite capacity to remember visual imagery, whereas we easily forget names. - Max Coursey, Tiger Prop

These answers are provided by members of FounderSociety, an invitation-only organization comprised of ambitious startup founders and business owners.