<i>Shark Tank</i>'s Barbara Corcoran Spills the Beans

With a $1000 loan, Barbara Corcoran created The Corcoran Group. She parlayed that loan into a five-billion-dollar real estate business which she sold in 2001 for $66 million. She is also known for her role on.
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With a $1000 loan, Barbara Corcoran created The Corcoran Group. She parlayed that loan into a five-billion-dollar real estate business which she sold in 2001 for $66 million. She is also known for her role on Shark Tank.

What time of the day do you work best? Morning? Evening?
BC: I'm my best at 6 a.m. and it's all downhill from there. By 5 p.m. it takes me five times more energy to accomplish what I do best early.

Do you spend more time in the office or on the go?
BC: On the Go! I've never had a good idea at my desk!

What do you love most about what you do?
BC: My ability to make a difference in the lives of people and what they can accomplish for themselves.

Is there anything you dislike about what you do or about your industry?
BC: The TV business is very fickle, very on-again, off-again!

Do you work in silence? Listen to music?
BC: I always have flowers nearby!

Under what conditions do you best generate ideas?
BC: All my best ideas happen in the process of always having fun! I've found that fun and innovation are kissing cousins and if I make sure my team and I have fun, innovative and great ideas happen!

Are business decisions for love or for money?
BC: The only things worthwhile in business are the things you do because you love it!

Is the customer (client) always right?
BC: Yes, you need to pretend they are right!

Who did/do you look up to?
BC: My Mom. She raised 10 kids successfully in a two-bedroom flat and she is the smartest most inspirational person I know!

If you could say one thing to the younger you, what would it be?
BC: Realize that you have the right to be there. You have as much a right to make a success of your life as the next guy. Don't let anyone make you feel differently. Trust yourself that you'll find the answers you need once you jump off a cliff. All the answers are on the way down.

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This interview was originally posted on SpillstheBeans.com