Breaking Six Figures in Your Heart-Based Business

Breaking Six Figures in Your Heart Based Buisness
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Written By Lisa Roulette

You've found your life purpose, launched your business and, presumably, you love what you do. Well done! If you have reached this point, give yourself a pat on the back! You're living a dream. Most people never discover a true purpose in life and end up working to build someone else's idea for a measly paycheck.

Even more admirable is that you launched your business with a higher purpose in mind. You are here to serve in some capacity and believe that money is only a small part of the reward. Wow, you're incredible.

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But let's get something straight right off the bat. We live in a world of exchange and the primary means of exchange is money. Regardless of how angelic you want to become, if you're providing value, you must command a return. And, if you intend to grow your reach and make bigger impact, that return had better be cold hard cash.

The problem most heart based businesses face is that they never find enough capital to grow. They believe that money is not the point and if they stay in service the universe will send a unicorn over with enough financial abundance at precisely the right time.

*insert eye roll here...

Money does not have to be the reason you're in business but it absolutely must be a high priority. Let's face it: to successfully live your higher purpose you have to monetize it so that you have ample cash flow to market and grow your product or service. Waiting for unicorns and angels and asking spirit to bring you your treasure chest simply will not suffice. In fact, a mere six figures probably wont fit the bill either. The reality is you will likely need a multiple six figure business to make any real impact on the world so let's get cracking on what it takes.

If you still haven't broken six figures you need to get very clear on why you actually need to make more money. Positive cash flow with ample budgets for marketing, technology and the assistance you need are vital to your success. Poverty consciousness or acting like a martyr is not going to sustain your efforts so try to remove any blocks that you are experiencing to keep you out of these jaded mindsets.

Second, consider shifting your circle of influence. I see a lot of men and women in communities that are actually inhibiting their growth. Don't seek vertical connections. To grow you have to align yourself with people who are at least 10 steps ahead of you. Look for people who do similar, if not the same work as you do and ask them for guidance. Successful people love to share their stories. Don't be shy. Reach out. You never know what might come of a powerful connection.

Third, spend some time auditing your actions to determine if they are measurable. If you are spending half your day online trolling for business and looking for someone to affirm your worth don't expect to make money. Put automation in place so you can spend less time online and more time building or refining your product or service. Establish the precise financial outcome you wish to achieve in a certain period of time and ask yourself how am I going to get there? And, trust me, it's not by hash-tagging #unicornsdofly in your face book group.

Fourth, be consistent. ALL of your activities should be pointed toward your performance. If you are rolling over in bed each morning checking IG for likes while you wait for you tea to steep, you need to get over yourself. Remember: you are a person in business who is trying to make impact. Get up early, establish a morning practice like exercise, yoga, prayer, meditation or a combo. The objective is clarity and increased energy. Move swiftly into your daily routine and avoid distraction at all cost. Again, hoping around social media looking for validation is a death wish for you bank account. If you want to make impact you need to act in alignment with your goals and objectives not in alignment with vanity likes online.

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Finally, commit to a long term (no longer than a year) financial goal and determine what you are going to do with your earnings. Outside of living expenses, precisely how are you going to re-invest in your company? Where do you feel you will make the most impact and deliver the most value? And remember, you are a business, profit or non-profit, money matters so leave the unicorn at home. The world is waiting for you.

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Lisa is a spiritual advisor and business coach who helps people uncover and ignite their purpose. All of her work is dedicated to helping her clients unmask vital power that is sleeping inside of them and to show them how to become conscious creators of their life experience. Lisa teaches mindset, vibration, the law of attraction and success principles. She also assists her clients in healing to remove blocks that may be preventing breakthroughs. Lisa is a certified life coach and mentor who has used her own journey to define her life purpose.

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