Buy An Album, Give Clean Water To One Person For Life

Buy An Album, Give Clean Water To One Person For Life

Like music? Like helping people? We do too. Now you can get your fix of both through The Goodfight 10,000.

The Goodfight, an indie rock band from Atlanta, GA, says they will use 100 percent of the profits from their new record "Good & Evil" to provide clean water to communities in need:

Money from the $10 CDs and downloads will go to charity: water, which creates sustainable access to fresh water through wells, filters and rainwater catchments for communities in more than a dozen countries.

According to the organization, 1.1 billion people don't have access to safe, clean drinking water, which makes dirty water the top global cause for illness and death. The Goodfight hopes to sell 10,000 records, which is enough to ensure that 10,000 people can have clean water for the rest of their lives.

Want to provide one person water for the rest of their lives and get The Goodfight's CD too? You can order it directly on their site.

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