FAIL: How To Sneak Into Disneyland And Other Mickey Mouse Hacks

You are so going to hell.

Those who rip off the Magic Kingdom invite bad karma.

But some people can't resist, and they go to comical extremes. Thus, we have the Hacks of Life guide to "How To Sneak Into Theme Parks."

Let's get one thing straight, however: We don't endorse breaking the rules. You can and should be prosecuted for doing so. In short, don't do it.

Still, it's fascinating to see how some people try.

Smuggling a grownup in an oversized stroller kicks this rollicking freebie fest into high gear. An intriguing food scam just might whet your appetite for scoring amusement park burgers at convenience store prices. And there's more on souvenirs and line-cutting.

While host Mike Capes lets us know that the Hacks of Life tried to atone for their sins (you'll have to watch), they still still have to answer to this guy:

Capes says the hacks are all in fun, but to what degree any of them work appears debatable.

However, Capes later told The Huffington Post: "They all worked, but the setup for the souvenir hack was just for laughs. I couldn't actually bring myself to knock ice cream from a random kid's hand."

This story was updated with a comment from Capes.

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