Inauguration Interview Fail: Chicago Woman 'Bored,' Couldn't Wave Flag & Pay Attention At Same Time (VIDEO)

WATCH: Local Woman 'So Bored' By Inauguration Ceremony

It is hard to top the majesty and pageantry of an inauguration day that included stunning performances from James Taylor, Kelly Clarkson and Beyonce, not to mention this moving moment and this textbook-perfect side-eye, but one Chicago woman's somewhat baffling interview with a WGN correspondent on the ground in Washington might just come close.

Following President Obama's speech on Monday, WGN's Frank Holland found "Melanie from Lakeview" and asked her what she had made of the just-concluded address. Though she thought it was, generally, "amazing," the "awful" poet -- Richard Blanco -- was not her cup of tea.

As for whether anything in particular resonated from the president's speech? Melanie had this to say:

"Um, I don't think so, because I was so excited I wasn't even really paying attention. I was just, like, waving my flag and cheering and stuff like that. But maybe next year I'll pay attention. Well, in four more years."


Also, Melanie from Lakeview, WGN is looking for you.

Other locals in Washington for President Obama's inauguration had arguably more substantial things to say about the occasion. Two Chicagoans who said they had worked on all of Obama's campaigns dating back to "when people couldn't pronounce his name" felt "vested in his success," according to the Tribune.

Meanwhile, back in Chicago, a standing room-only crowd of locals packed into the DuSable Museum of African American History for an inauguration day watch party, according to the Associated Press.

"Today is proof positive that history is still being made," Carol Adams, the museum's CEO and president told the crowd Monday.