Justin Peck #49 is a Race Car Driver Who's Obstacles Have Helped him Win the Game of Life Both On and Off the Track

Justin Peck #49 is a Race Car Driver Who's Obstacles Have Helped him Win the Game of Life Both On and Off the Track
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I had the greatest opportunity to interview Justin Peck, about a subject that is dear to my heart. Justin is what I call an "Overcomer" "Victorious". A Hero. A down to earth real good solid guy, that is beautifully honest and speaks from the truthful core of his being. Thank you Justin! Check out the interview!
  •   I saw in your story where you put a gun to your head. What were you going through at the time that brought you to that place?
ANSWER:  I had a pretty rough few months before the gun.  I had just come off of a tremendously manic phase in which I created another new company and was going non-stop.  I felt the depressive state coming and tried super hard to fight it, but as it always does, it got the best of me.  I remember waking up that morning like I typically did, kissing my wife and kids before I left for the day.  I was reeling inside with despair, but I had no one to communicate that with.  I knew that this was the beginning of a phase that I didn’t want to fight again, and when I saw the opportunity to end it, I tried. 
•    I had an aunt with Bipolar disorder growing up, sadly she did not get over hers and died at 32 after turning the corner trying to get her life back. How did you know you had Bipolar?
ANSWER:  I knew I had some disorder from the age of 13, but back then, there was little known about Bipolar disorder.  It really wasn’t until I tried to take my life that I realized I needed help from a professional because I knew that it would only be in time before I tried again.  After I pulled the trigger, the rush of adrenaline and emotion immediately pulled me out of the despair (for the moment) and it was then I realized that there is always a way out.  If I could control my adrenaline or get more of it, then I could escape the despair.  Now, that works to a point, and I have fought extremely hard my entire life to find that perfect balance. I still contend, but things have got substantially better.
•    Being Bullied seems like a common theme. I remember being bullied as the smallest and loudest girl in school. How were you able to turn all that fear into fearlessness and become the great success you are?
ANSWER:  Being bullied is probably one of the most destructive things that can happen to any kid in their growing years.  It literally took me until I was 22 or 23 before I realized that my opinion matters and that I had the power over myself vs. others over me.  I learned that once I had the control over my emotions and feelings, the constant “being picked on” moments started to vanish.  I am not quite sure how I made it through my school years, to be honest with you.  Even to this day, when I walk into a school for my own children, I get this sick gut feeling that gives me a splash of anxiousness, but I still go back to knowing that I am the master of my mind, and I’m back at ease.  I think that once I built confidence within myself, I was able to reset my timid personality into one that demands respect. I do this by showing love and respect for others, and I have found that if you carry confidence, others feed off you differently. 
•    What does racing do for you emotionally?
ANSWER:  Racing is the life blood of my entire world.  Through the chaos of life, business, family, and all the other things that add stress, the second I put on a helmet, the outside world stops.  It's almost surreal. My mind can be scattered and all over the place, but the helmet takes all of that and focuses it into one straight path.  The emotional rock that racing provides me is something that is hard to explain, but I do know that without it, my life would be a hard one to live. Everyone needs an outlet that supports them and be grounded in the game of life. Mine just happens to be the need for speed and some burning rubber. 
•    What would your advice be to young kids being bullied?
ANSWER:  This is a tough one for me to answer.  Looking back, I have no idea what I could’ve done differently.  I was a just an odd kid because of my disorder and school-age peers will always and forever will pick on the people those who are unlike them.  The advice I would give would be this— Know just because you are different, you are still an amazing person!  Know that because you have faults and that you may not be popular, you still have the human right to be happy and free of fear. You are perfect just the way you are! 
•    How have you been able to live with Bipolar disorder? Would you say it gets easier?
ANSWER:  Have I been able to manage having bipolar?  Most of the time, I still severely doubt myself and my abilities on a daily basis which can easily lead to thoughts of failure, despair, and ultimately no self-worth.  However; I live by a personal saying where I pump up myself to stay motivated and in tune with my rational mind.  Does it get easier?  Not Really. What does get easier is the ability to limit the down moments through proper medication, diet, exercise, and positive thinking.  The down moments still suck and are hard to pull out of, but I now know that I can overcome anything.
•    If you could do one thing over in life what would that be?
ANSWER:  Oh geez….That’s another hard question. Typically people want a redo because they think they failed horribly, but I have a different perspective on failure.  Failure is what gives us the tools to succeed and without seeing what failure feels like, we have nothing to compare our successes to. So, I embrace these low moments and learn from every bad experience.  Because of that, I think that I can be a better person not only for myself but others as well.  I can talk about my failures in life openly with anyone and hopefully I can give others hope that even though they are struggling, there is always a way out.  Let's be honest, if I can do it, anyone can do it.  Right?
•    Tell us about your book "Bulletproof For Life?”
ANSWER:  The book started out as something I wanted to give my children.  Something that could recount the life of their dad and hopefully shows them that when life gets hard, those are the best times to learn about who you really are.  After writing it for a few years and adding stories here and there, I let a friend read it, and the reaction was one that I didn’t expect.  She said “I have a brother that acts just like this.  Can you please talk to him and help him through his current struggle because I know you understand”.  When I realized that I could share my experience with others and possibly help other people that live with mental illness, I knew this would be my path.  I want to tell my goofy stories and share my many life experiences to those who want to hear them.  I have found that I get asked by the spouses of someone with Bipolar more times than the person suffering from it.  They want to know what they can do to help the person they love.  I may not have all the answers, but I can shed light from a different perspective that I believe can help others.  I want to bring awareness to mental disorders and and eliminate the “crazy” stereotype that’s associated.  We are just like everyone else in most cases and strive to be happy like the rest of the world.
•    What advice do you give your kids when they are having a bad day? Is there anything else you would like to share?
ANSWER:  Advice on bad days go far beyond kids.  I feel that the older we get, the bad days are harder to handle for most of us.  Kids are pretty damn tough and resilient, too.  We all have horrible days, but we also have incredible ones as well.  If we can focus on the positive things that make us happy, then the challenges seem not so bad. The other thing that I have always told people is this… What life struggle did you have exactly one year ago? Was is consuming, overwhelming, and did you think that life couldn’t go on because your struggles were so intense?  Now, think about today, one year later.  Are those same struggles still the same fight for you?  Most of the time, they are not!  We find a way to overcome our current problems and then move onto the next.  So, whatever struggle you are having right at this exact moment in life, please know that one year from now, it will be nothing.  There is always light at the end of the tunnel as long as we believe there is.  Adapt and Overcome!!!!
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