McCain's 'Country First' Actually "Republicans First'

What happened to the John McCain who gave such a moving concession speech, the John McCain who talked about working together and healing our country?
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John McCain sent an email to supporters today, urging them to donate money to Country First, his new endeavor.

As if to prove that nothing's changed, he addressed each email recipient as 'My Friend.'

And in further proof that nothing's changed, when I clicked on the website I got a whole lot of nothin'. Just like his campaign.

But in reading the email, I can tell you this much about what Country First is supposed to do:

Elect Republicans.

Country First will allow us to strengthen our Party, better define our Republican ideals and message, recruit and back strong, dedicated candidates and continue our efforts to bring real reform to government by always putting our country and the noble ideals she stands for first.

And...that's it. According to the email, the entire purpose of Country First is to raise money to elect Republicans. Here's more from the email:

With your help we can work to elect these new leaders to Governorships, Statehouses, the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives in 2010 and beyond. Once in office they will become fierce advocates for limited government, economic opportunity, personal responsibility and strong national security.

It's a fundraising email for Republicans. Then why not call it Republicans First? That would have been a lot more honest. Instead we have more of the same from John McCain; he's rolling out the same Republican suggestion he so shamelessly and disgustingly bandied about during the election: that the only true patriots, the only ones who put country first, are Republicans.

What happened to the John McCain who gave such a moving concession speech, the John McCain who talked about working together and healing our country? Sorry; like Elvis, that guy's left the building. In this email there's no talk of bipartisanship, no mention of of coming together to tackle the extraordinarily difficult challenges our country faces right now. Not a word. Instead, McCain reverts to something he understands -- fighting:

Please stay in this fight with me; our country needs your service now as much as ever.

And when he does reference that concession speech, he pulls out this quote and gives it a whole new spin:

On Election Night last year, I called on all Americans not to despair of our present difficulties but to believe always in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here.

The bolding is his choice, and it's real clear what he's saying. It may have sounded like 'nothing is inevitable' was a take-heart reference to the hard times Americans are dealing with, but no. It's really a reference to the hard times Republicans are dealing with because they lost the election. On election night, John McCain wasn't trying to reassure Americans that the future would be brighter for them, it was a self-centered statement saying that the future would be brighter for Republicans.

Senator, you call Country First a grassroots effort. Well, here's a grassroots suggestion. Do us all a favor. Retire.

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