Overnight Success Secret of 15 Year Old Entrepreneur Caleb Maddix!

Overnight Success Secret of 15 Year Old Entrepreneur Caleb Maddix!
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“Hey Wayne, have you heard of this overnight success,” they asked me, “he is a kid!”

One thing I have learned in the business world is that there is almost never an “overnight success”, and I also learned that most teenagers are not at a place in life to have the experiences or resources to be considered ‘successful”.

Caleb Maddix is a 15 year old entrepreneur and a true motivation for so many people - both kids and adults alike. I first met Caleb at a Click Funnels event hosted by Russell Brunson in Dallas, and as I saw him on stage sharing and motivating with his stories and insights I was more than amused, I was truly impressed. Within a few moments of hearing him on stage, I found myself not only in agreement with his message, I began jotting down notes and seeing his vision come alive in my own mind.

Caleb, like many other entrepreneurs is a visionary, and he infects your mind with his vision through his words and contagious excitement. Yet, the more I heard him speak, the more I knew I had to get the back story, and unveil the mystery of this overnight success.

As I interviewed Caleb I recognized his success at such a young age was very commendable, yet his overnight success image was actually years and years of persistence and dedication - yes even at 15 years young.

If you are looking for the success secret in this young man, then look beyond his youth, and listen to his story. Yes, even at the young age of 15 he has a journey that will inspire and motivate!

“Overnight success is usually many nights, and days, of hard work, persistence, and looking forward instead of behind!”

Caleb’s dedication is fueled by a desire to see other kids make it as successful entrepreneurs, and this passion is capturing the eyes of not only the youth, but also has landed Caleb on stages with Gary Vaynerchuk , Tony Robbins, and other legends in the world of entrepreneurs.

The key, is to remember that the supposed overnight success, is actually years of work - and as Caleb likes to say “work your face off!”

This is how he has been able to write 6 books so far, and writes a new book every month for his own private book club for young entrepreneurs. Maddixbookclub.com is his latest venture and one that will inspire other young “overnight successful people!

“You have to work your face off!”

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I saw the amazing energy from Caleb, and I knew that greatness is often inspired from the belief that is awakened within you by someone else. That is when I met Caleb’s dad and heard his compassion and commitment to success. His dad is part cheerleader, part success coach, and the loving dad that exemplifies leadership.

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If you are looking for overnight success in your life, then take it from Caleb and be willing to work hard, work long, and stay focused. Remember, work your face off and be sure to check out Caleb on YouTube at YouTube.com/calebmaddix