Top 5 Quotes From Rauner's 2016 State of the State Speech

Top 5 Quotes From Rauner's 2016 State of the State Speech
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Here are 5 top selected quotes from Gov. Bruce Rauner's second State of the State speech:

5. "We have the ability to lead the nation in growth and opportunity. And yet, jobs and people are leaving our state. And we watch other states emerge from the Great Recession, while our employment and growth stagnates."

4. "The vast majority of all Illinois voters, both Democrats and Republicans, are in overwhelming support of both term limits and redistricting reform. The time for excuses and blame is over. The time for action is now. Let's get it done."

3. "Like it or not, there's a serious deficit in public trust when it comes to government in Illinois. Citizens don't trust their government, and businesses don't either. We pay for this trust deficit in lost economic growth - victims of a widely held perception that everything in Illinois is lobbyist tested, special interest approved."

2. "We've paid $22 million in overtime for the 15-minute roll call that occurs at the beginning of shifts. Our former Auditor General also highlighted, as ripe for abuse, the practice of so-called shift-swapping, where workers use sick time for a regular shift, but then get paid overtime to work a later shift that same day. We need to install common-sense into our union contracts!"

1. "Our job in this Capitol is to improve the lives of all the people of Illinois, through more economic opportunity, better educational opportunity, and more value for their hard-earned tax dollars. To achieve a grand compromise, we must cast partisanship and ideology aside. We must break from the politics of the past and do what is right for the long term future of our state. I'm ready - and it's my genuine hope that you are too. Let's continue this journey together. Illinois can't wait any longer."

In case you missed Rauner's speech, you can find a full text version here.

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