
Tara Heuzé-S.

Most of the time a student. Passionate globetrotter and sculptor. Founder of Règles Élémentaires: the first French charity to collect sanitary products for homeless women.

Tara Heuzé-S. is a born and bred European. She grew up in Paris, lived in Moscow for a while, studied in Cambridge, UK, and is now based in New York City. The most defining trait of her personality is probably self-confidence, as she never hesitates to speak up, ask questions and reach out to complete strangers. Tara has long "postponed adulthood" and is getting her third Master's at Columbia University. Her background is in Politics, Finance, Energy and Environment. After graduating in May, she intends to work in the field(s) where she can achieve the biggest impact: most likely, green finance or green tech. Besides, Tara has a proven record of advocating for homeless women’s right to have access to sanitary products, and more generally, for women’s dignity. In 2015, she founded Règles Élémentaires, the first French charity to collect sanitary products for homeless women. In less than a year, over 60,000 tampons and pads were donated and distributed. Tara is also an accomplished sculptor, whose works have been exhibited in Moscow, Paris, Cambridge and Hong Kong; and she makes regular contributions to various international media.