Be More Productive: Use These 3 Simple Ways

Be More Productive: Use These 3 Simple Ways
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I have seen people who started their career working as a bottom level employee, and then few years down the line, took on a cruise to tour the world while paying the bill from the screen of their laptop.

How does many great entrepreneurs start up from bottom and become so great. A part of the answer lies in being productive. So today we will look at three ways you need to adopt right now to make your daily routine more productive than ever.

Know That Even Small Time Can Have Great Worth

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We need to work at office and also maintain our social lives. But all this is preventing us from becoming great and rise above the average crowd. You need to embrace some tough times to earn best days of your life.

You may think what this small amount of time will help me with. But remember that when a man is thirsty even a small sip of water is enough to quench his thirst.

If you can get even an hour out of your daily routine and you have a thirst to become great you will value that hour. And make it worth the work of 3 hours.

When you have ample time your mind subconsciously prevents you to work at your full potential. You have to use it in reverse way.

The Simple The Better

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The one lesson that I learnt over the years is: It is very hard to chase simplicity. Everyone tries to be impressive these days, but in doing so they cross a line. Balancing yourself on this line is a tough task that takes years to practice. Simplicity then becomes an art.

The implication in real life is this: Don’t try to overdo things, try to approach them as calmly as possible. Like as if you are walking on a very thin wire. Would you try to run on that wire if it hangs in between your goal and where you stand right now?? Only to fall into a death pit.

Know The Actual Worth of What You Have in Hand

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Ok, you have taken the first step and are ready to assume a certain level of responsibility. The next thing that you need to know is the worth of your time.

Knowing the worth of your time will help you know what you can buy with it. So that you don’t end up chasing something big, even if you don’t have the time for that. To know that start off with something small. This will help you to know what you need to sacrifice. Also remember that working overtime is pointless.

Starting off with something big will always end you giving up on your project. Also, you will never be able to track your growth with big projects. It is only possible if you start with something small.

One last thing before I leave you with your own thoughts: Remember that life is more meaningful when you have a direction where you can point your finger at and say there lies my home and I am going there; rather than not knowing where you belong.


About Author

Vartika Kashyap is a seasoned marketing professional who is an expert in digital marketing and entrepreneurship. She’s been featured among LinkedIn’s Top Voices for the year 2016, and is also a contributor for The Next Web & Your Story. She currently heads the Marketing Department at ProofHub — a project management software for teams of all sizes. Connect with Vartika on LinkedIn, Medium and Twitter.


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