Cubs Fan Auctioning His Allegiance

Cubs Fan Auctioning His Allegiance
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A Cubs fan is selling his team loyalty to the highest bidder, Shamus Toomey reports in the Sun-Times:

Scot Moore, 30, a brokenhearted fan who grew up in Wheaton, is auctioning off his "Cubs Loyalty" on eBay, with all proceeds going to two theater companies in Minnesota, where he now lives. The bid on Tuesday night: $455.

Moore lays out his aims on his eBay page:

My goal is to hex the Cubs for another 100 years for their cruel treatment of their fans. Therefore, I will accept bids from fans of any team. If no Cubs fan can beat their bid, I will relinquish my fandom of the Chicago Cubs FOREVER. I will never wear Cubs paraphernalia, or watch their games, or root for them again.

I will show loyalty to my new team in the following ways. I will burn my Cubs paraphernalia (admittedly not much at this point - a couple hats and a Sammy Sosa figurine). I will buy hats and jerseys of the new team and, whenever they come to play the Twins, I will show up to at least one game per series and scream like crazy for them. [...] This money will be used to make high quality theatre accessible to low-income households. The hex is aimed at over-paid, under-performing, "professional" athletes, not fans. The benefit far exceeds the loss.

All proceeds will go to two non-profit Minneapolis theatre companies. The auction closes Monday.