Florida State Attorney to Investigate Ann Coulter's Voting

A reader of my earlierasked Ms. Coulter about where she voted, and the latter's response was to abuse the questioner.
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The story (second item) won't die.

[Palm Beach] Supervisor of Elections Arthur Anderson said on Friday that Coulter's voting in the wrong precinct this month in a Palm Beach Town Council election was an isolated incident, one that will be referred to State Attorney Barry Krischer. When that happens, Democrat Krischer, who didn't return calls for comment, will be investigating two White House cheerleaders based on The Island. The other one is radio talker Rush Limbaugh, subject of a doctor-shopping probe.

On Feb. 7, Coulter tried to cast her ballot at the precinct closest to her homesteaded Seabreeze home. But because elections records showed she was registered at the Indian Road home of her Realtor, 4 miles north, she was asked to file a change of address. According to pollworker Jim Whited, she dashed out without the form. Records show she did vote at the Indian Road precinct, and that could be a felony.

"I'm getting lots of phone calls about this," county Democratic leader Wahid Mahmood told the Palm Beach Post's Jose Lambiet. "And I am contacting Arthur (Anderson) to make sure this is followed up. It's about time people find out what the notorious Democrat bashers are really like when the TV cameras are turned off."

Why do I care where or how Ann Coulter votes? Only because a reader of my earlier post (read down in comments) asked Ms. Coulter about it, and the latter's response was to abuse the questioner and deny that she even lived in Palm Beach. I cannot ignore an insult to someone relying on me for information.

There's always the possibility that, by Coulter standards, she's really a liberal, according to another column in today's PB Post (thanks to reader Blogaroni for the tip).

The light dawned on me while reading her book Slander. In it, she describes liberals as morally bankrupt human beings.

"Secure in the knowledge that their beachfront haciendas will still be standing when the smoke clears, they giddily fiddle with the little people's rules and morals," she wrote.

And I'm thinking, hey wait. She's the one with the ocean-breeze hacienda who's been doing the fiddlin'.

Columnist Frank Cerabino also notes Ms. Coulter's, oh let's not say hypocrisy, but confusion:

And even though Coulter once said on Fox-TV that "the presumption of innocence only means you don't go right to jail," I'm sure she didn't mean anything that ridiculous. Or that some voters are so stupid that "I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote."

And I can't imagine Coulter being too confused to vote properly in Florida.