Gensler Is AEG's Pick To Design Downtown LA Stadium

AEG Picks Gensler To Design Downtown Los Angeles Stadium

The LA Times reports that AEG has selected the architectural firm Gensler to design the billion dollar NFL stadium in Downtown Los Angeles. The LA Times explains the choice as a surprise boon to Gensler:

"It's something of a coup that AEG chose Gensler, which has never designed an NFL stadium, considering HNTB is responsible for Invesco Field in Denver and HKS drew up the plans for Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis and Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas.

Blogdowntown notes that many already assumed the choice to go with Gensler was a foregone conclusion:

"While it took AEG three months to officially name an architect after revealing preliminary designs by all three firms in December, Downtowners can be excused for assuming the Gensler choice was a done deal: all of the Farmer's Field renderings released by AEG used the Gensler design, ostensibly because it did the best job of showing the stadium neighborhood."

In addition to luring an NFL team back to the city, AEG and other stadium supporters have to convince city officials to relocate the existing convention center away from the proposed construction site. There is also a competing bid for an NFL stadium near the City of Industry, which is already "fully entitled for a venue" according to the LA Times.

Take a look at Gensler's renderings as well as the other proposals and let us know if you think AEG made the right choice.