Karen O's Psycho Opera Will Be A 'Psychedelic Ride Laced With Catharsis'

Karen O's Psycho Opera Has A Name
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Karen O's psycho opera just got more real and more surreal at the same time now that Karen O is talking. O released the following vague statement to introduce it:

I have a pretty good idea of what the psycho opera is about but I wouldn't dare try and put it into my clumsy words. I'm hoping to create an original live experience, it should feel like a psychedelic ride laced with catharsis. There is emotional cost to our narrative so we're aiming to engage the audience, this piece isn't aiming to be all about spectacle or abstraction though there is good helping of both in the production. It's aiming to have all the good stuff of escapist entertainment with a few sucker punches to the gut along the way. I'm in the camp that needs to discover and take risks, sometimes it's with the promise of something special and new, sometimes it's to stay awake, either way it's much more stressful with all the uncertainty but worth the pain in the end.

All we heard was "psychedelic ride laced with catharsis" and "sucker punches to the gut."

The show, titled "Stop the Virgens," will open at St. Ann's Warehouse in Brooklyn on Oct. 12. Directed by novelist/screenwriter Adam Rapp, it'll get a musical hand from DJ/composer/Spike Jonze's brother Sam Spiegel, and Yeah Yeah Yeah's guitarist Nick Zinner.

The show will also feature -- among others -- Beastie Boys' collaborator Money Mark, Jack Lawrence and Patrick Keeler from The Greenhornes and The Raconteurs, Yeah Yeah Yeah's drummer Brian Chase, and, most intriguingly, actress Lili Taylor, of "Six Feet Under" and "Mystic Pizza" fame.

Visit St. Ann's Warehouse for more details on this "cathartic spell spun through a cycle of nine songs."