Marie Lauga : At the Root of Roxy

At the root of Roxy you may very well find Marie Lauga. She has been with Roxy since the beginning of her career and has grown with it to reach its full potential. It isn't often you come across this intersection of passion and dedication conveying the excitement for the brand as if it was her first day.
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Paradigm Shifters is a series of interviews with a select group of women and men from eclectic walks of life. It will highlight unspoken, real-life insights on how they have been able to turn weakness into strength. A naked soul point of view of how their breakdowns were really a preparation for breakthroughs. They are your quintessential paradigm shifters; internal shifts converted into genuine change.

Everything I have ever done has been focused on this underlying theme of shifting the paradigm because, "What we think determines what we feel and what we feel determines what we do." Hence, why Empowered by You takes lingerie, which has traditionally been seen merely as a tool of seduction and redirected that energy as a tool of empowerment.

I hope from these stories you will look at your own situations, struggles and accomplishments through a different lens. At the very least you will be more equipped with real life tools to change your own paradigm. At the end of the day, we are our own Alchemist turning the silver we were born with into the gold we are destined to become.

Marie Lauga - Global Head of Design at Roxy Quiksilver

Tell us about the inspiration behind Roxy Fitness in 2015.

Our fitness branch focuses on running, yoga and water - our assortment is geared towards the girl on the move. The athletic woman that loves to travel is who we are, so we knew branching out to fitness would be great for us.

We introduced the #ROXYFITNESS events in 2015 and had great successes with thousands of participants from more than 15 countries! It is important that the events are fun and incorporate fitness and music. The goal is to always be connected to water in some form while having fun along the way. For 2016, the plan is to continue this formula and bring other partners in. We have the Australian Gold Coast kicking off the 2016 tour on March 12th and the next day it's in Cocoa Beach, Florida - right in time for spring break. Looking ahead we have twenty-five new destinations around the globe in which we will continue with the spirit of the event.

Roxy is also involved with a lot of charities. What do you feel your consumer connects most with?

I really cherish these partnerships. The main goal is to help kids with difficulties. Helping kids is something that is really important to us. Our main values are sharing and caring - it's our DNA and our core value. I really love the charity Kind Surf's mission to help disadvantaged kids surf, a once in a lifetime opportunity for many of them. It gives them a chance to be happy, even for a moment, and to meet great people. They have the chance to surf with Kelly Slater and many other great surfers. We love that they are able to enjoy that moment.

What do we have to look forward to with the Spring Lookbook?

The major trends of this season seem to incorporate prints. Roxy is known for using prints, but the focus this season is especially on vibrant floral prints. The goal is to use our DNA to create authentic floral patterns and to also use our sport style in very feminine products while keeping it casual and true to the Roxy brand.
We were inspired by our travel to Australia, between Bondi and Byron Bay. We were specifically inspired by the coastal selection of prints and the balance between vibrant and washed out. Australians are so sweet, the place is amazing and I was really motivated to create this collection there with that energy. We focused on the flower print, which is really trendy but also important for our brand, and we've created many different looks. You have your cute and easy style for after you surf, or the casual, feminine and easy to wear look, or the look that helps our girl look and feel feminine during sport. We bring all of this together and that's how we created the collection.

Do you have a breakdown to breakthrough moment?

I started with Roxy and I've grown with Roxy. I had the chance to start here as an assistant and I am now the Global Head of Design for the brand. The main thing for me is to work hard and to understand every single aspect of the business.
I really love to listen and learn from people who have more experience and I think that's what I do best. The main thing I've learned is to not be afraid to fail because everybody fails in their career at some point. I love my job, I'm passionate and that's the reason I'm here.

You're very lucky to live in the South of France. How does this environment enable you to draw inspiration for Roxy? I read somewhere that you surf on your lunch breaks.

Yes, exactly! Our office is just amazing. Our building is in the middle of the forest, which is really quiet and only five minutes away from the beach. You can run during your lunch or go surfing. We have the chance to be in the middle of the waves and only two hours away from the mountains, which is cool because skiing and snowboarding is a big part of our business and DNA. This really inspires us, but we also have to take inspiration from our trips. We are really lucky to live here but we just have to keep in mind that even if we are in the southwest, it's a very small town, which is why we have to stay open minded to learn from each other in order to design the best collection.

At the root of Roxy you may very well find Marie Lauga. She has been with Roxy since the beginning of her career and has grown with it to reach its full potential. It isn't often you come across this intersection of passion and dedication conveying the excitement for the brand as if it was her first day. This is when you know you have come across real commitment and love for a brand. It is only natural that you feel this when you wear Roxy.