Michelle Obama gets Pittsburgh praise

Michelle Obama gets Pittsburgh praise
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I didn't get a chance to note yesterday that Michelle Obama's campaign stop in Pennsylvania Wednesday earned the First Lady hopeful glowing front-page stories in both Pittsburgh papers.

The writers of each used a faulty microphone as an example of her grace under pressure.

The Post-Gazette has a nice anecdote about Obama shrugging off a lost earring:

She seems totally at ease in mingling with crowds -- rubbing a supporter's shoulder here, posing for cell phone cameras without complaint, so tactile that when she later discovers she's missing an earring she says offhandedly, "I must have hugged it off."

The Tribune-Review uses 92 words to describe how she conquered the wobbly microphone and wowed the crowd. The story ends with this kicker:

At least one mind had been changed, though it happened earlier in the day. Merrianne West, 60, of Mt. Washington had volunteered to help the campaign during Obama's speech and happened to be at Tessaro's when she showed up.

Leaning close to Obama, she said, "Now I'm not voting for Barack. I'm voting for you."

Both pieces noted her enthusiastic audience.

Here's some video I took at the event of her describing Sen. Barack Obama's wins:

Obama appeared with Teresa Heinz Kerry, who I followed around for a week in 2004 after she had made a few missteps. Obama said Kerry has been able to help explain to her what it's like to be a candidate's spouse.

Here is the Boston Globe's write up, and MSNBC covered it here.

Christina Bellantoni, national political reporter, The Washington Times

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