Scientology Hip Hip Video By Chill E.B.: 'Dauntless, Defiant, Resolute' (VIDEO)

A Perfectly Real Scientology Hip Hop Video
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Time for yet another Scientology video to derail to the public! In a wonderfully exhaustive report, the Village Voice identifies the writer and singer of "Dauntless, Defiant, Resolute," a hip hop song about the International Association of Scientologists, as Chill E. B., an artist who apparently credits Scientology for his professional success (Kelly Preston certainly likes him). This particular number is the title track off Chill's upcoming CD.

And oh man, it makes them look kind of silly! Total amateur hour over in the I.A.S. studios. Among the points that will get made fun of: the fact that Chill E.B.'s not actually in it, and his stand-in is a white kid who does hand guns, the pasty hordes of riled-up Scientologists, the chorus, which sounds like a mix between a Will Smith song and a chant at a corporate softball game, the anti-psychiatry lines mixed in with ones about loving all humanity (except, of course, those humans with MDs), the Mercedes with the Scientology vanity plate, the uniformed men accepting framed certificates (so many framed certificates!), a certain overarching part-creepy, part-lame quality that's kept Everything Is Terrible in business. The fact that it's a Scientology hip hop video. We've reposted the lyrics in full under the video, choicest lines bolded. For more on Scientology's latest accidental hit, check out the Voice.


LYRICS (emphasis ours):

Against impossible odds. And deceptive facade. One group outshines, man - just look at the signs. See we winning all over the place.Giving solutions to the world and the whole human raceWe ain't never gonna back down, leave town, play the clown. Phychiatry and SPs you know we take 'em down. See the purpose ingrained. It's burning in our blood. They the passing storm. We the unstoppable flood. See, cuz we the IAS. And we're dauntless and defiant. We confront even the giants, yo. Handle anyone barring freedom for all. Cuz you know when we win then nobody falls. So bring it harder y'all. Let's make it stronger now. Unite as one, answer the call. Come on, and we'll forever be the winners!

Chorus: IAS. Dauntless and defiant. So resolute. There's nothing we can't do.

Scientology ads and the PSA's.Let's play them 24/7, watch them clear the haze. We're lighting the path that Man has sought so long. And now the search is over, the truth is out, the mystery's gone, see. That's why I say there is no letting up'til all the people are free. You know it's up to us.With Narconon and Criminon, Applied Scholastics. New AOs in the conts. Yo, it's truly fantastic. Cuz there ain't no limit to what we can do. So I wanna see you up your status. Yeah - you and you and you! And you too.

Chorus: IAS. Dauntless and defiant. So resolute. There's nothing we can't do.

From the VMs down in Haiti. Who saved so many lives. To the Cavalcades spreading the help so wide. You see we unite for human rights and restore forMan all that belongs to his life. The Way to Happiness. Brings the calm and the peace. Helping all reduce crime - even the policePsychotropic drugs - we'll make a thing of the past. Expose the fraud of the psychs. And watch them dwindle real fast. We got islands of sanity 'round Ideal Orgs. Let's make the islands the sea by creating even more. The dwindling spiral. We'll turn it around. We got the greatest campaigns this world has ever had. So keep the force going. You know we'll never rest. Cuz as a matter of course. We be the very best. So stand proud, shout it loud. That we the IAS!

Chorus: IAS. Dauntless and defiant. So resolute. There's nothing we can't do.