Twitter Peek: Jimmy Fallon Reviews New Twitter-Only Device (VIDEO)

Twitter Peek: Jimmy Fallon Reviews New Twitter-Only Device (VIDEO)
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Twitter and Peek have just unveiled a brand new device, the Twitter Peek, that does one thing, and one thing only: Tweets.

The Twitter-dedicated device, the product of a partnership between Twitter and the start-up Peek, is available for $100 with six months of service (subsequently $7.95 a month) or $200 for lifetime service, according to SlashGear and Wired.

So what does it do? Not a lot--but it does "[deliver] new tweets in real-time, allows for '@' replies, retweeting and direct messaging, and has the same full-QWERTY keyboard as the Peek Pronto," writes SlashGear.

The problem is: how do you convince consumers--even the most addicted Twitterholics--that they need an entirely separate mobile device just for Twitter access, when programs like Tweetdeck allow them to access Twitter on smartphones? Wired says, "at first we thought it was a joke [...]"

Dvice's take:

The Twitter Peek is a wireless device that can handle Twitter and only Twitter. No phone calls, no email, no mobile internet, no nuthin', just Twitter. There's no word on pricing on this guy, but I'll stick to using Tweetie on my iPhone, thanks.

See what Jimmy Fallon and Joshua Topolsky have to say about the Twitter Peek in this segment from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon below!


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