(VIDEO) TV Ads Could Be 10% Programmatic By 2017: AOL's Ackerman

(VIDEO) TV Ads Could Be 10% Programmatic By 2017: AOL's Ackerman
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FORT LAUDERDALE -- While so-called "programmatic" techniques for controlling, planning and trading online ads have gained traction in display advertising, the concept is slower to reach the same penetration in video and TV.

But the prospect is set for wider adoption after a year in which many ad tech platforms "postured" about their capabilities, according to Adap.tv programmatic SVP Dan Ackerman. Adap.tv is a unit of AOL.

"In the 15/16 upfront (ad sales event), we're looking (at) somewhere between the 1% to 3% range of total dollars being carved out to be spent through some sort of programmatic channel," Ackerman tells Beet.TV in this video interview.

"(That's) still nascent, but 1% to %3 of a $70bn business is nothing to sneeze at - that's the beginnings of a larger business. As you move in to the 16/17 upfront, you'll see these percentages really scale, to 3% to 5% (and) 5% to 10%."

He was interviewed at Beet.TV's Beet Retreat annual get-together in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

The Beet Retreat '15 was sponsored by AOL and Videology. Please find additional videos from the event here.

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