What The Upcoming Election Is Teaching Us About Choice

What The Upcoming Election Is Teaching Us About Choice
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The upcoming election has us all living in a storm of commentary. A storm that is taking place in a changing forum fueled by not only the traditional print and broadcast media but by social media as well. So what do we do? How do we stay mindful of our own thoughts while navigating the opinions of others? How do we circumvent a steady stream of viewpoints, a whole lot of negativity, and a mix-up of facts and fiction in order to come to our own conclusions? We are sitting on the forefront of an incredible historic moment. No matter who becomes our next president, there is a whole lot of change, as well as a whole lot of fear that comes along with this election. Every choice we make creates an action. Every choice sets things in motion.

So…how do we decide? How do we make a choice…a choice that for many is between two choices we really don’t want? Do we bail and not decide? Do we make an educated decision? Do we stress out about the entire situation and just pick? Do we vote for the woman because we are a woman or for the man because we are a man? How do we say yes, and how do we say no?

There is no one right answer. The interesting thing about choice is that it is a catalyst to change and as such there is fluidity within the selection process that is unique to the process itself. Without decisions, renewal cannot take place. How we choose is personal. Our right to choose is not. This upcoming election, just like our real individual lives, is filled with options and preferences. At the end of the day, it is up to each of us to exercise our right to make choices, to reach conclusions, and to stand up for what we believe.

Too often, in our high tech world, we bow to the choices that others make for us. It is easy to take the opinions of others and make them our own. Yet our right to choose in all aspects of our personal lives is one of the few things we each have control over. We cannot choose the outcome, but we can make the choice. We can steer the ship, have a say, and stand up for what we believe is the next best thing in our lives. The key is that we make a selection, that we care about the process, that we exercise our rights not only within our own individual worlds, but also within our larger community as Americans. In order to do so, we each need to step out from behind our fear of getting it wrong. Here is the thing that no one tells us. If we don’t choose, or if we let others pick for us, we never really get it right, do we? The only way to be truthful to our own selves is to say yes or to say no. In so doing, we define the moment by participating in it and with that, we earn the right to learn and evolve.

What this election instructs us on daily is that voting is important. Voting is a pillar toward growth and renewal. Voting is our power to say yes or to say no. Everyday. Yet, how many people are contemplating not voting on Election Day? To not cast a vote, to not pick one candidate over the other is also a vote. It is a vote that says I waive my right to decide; I am going to let someone else do it. Or, I don’t want to be responsible for making this decision because it is stressful, so I am going to just not make one. That is a decision as well. Voting is our right as humans. It is also our duty as citizens. Choice is our right as humans. To not make those choices is to stand still, to hold one’s breath, to stagnate.

So, do we go left or do we go right? Do we listen to the masses, or have our own agenda? Whatever conclusion you reach, consider the impact that conclusion makes. It creates a ripple effect. Not just for our nation, but for you individually. You have the power to pick, the ability to prefer, the responsibility to yourself to favor one thing over another. Are you exercising your power of choice? Are you impacting your world? Consider doing so on November 8th. Then keep going. Your ability to make decisions is uniquely yours. Begin the process and celebrate your choices…one at a time…mindfully…with resolution. Let Election Day 2016 be your turning point on personal and public decisions. Dare to get it right just by opting in! Dare to decide!So, do we go left or do we go right? Do we listen to the masses, or have our own agenda? Whatever conclusion you reach, consider the impact that conclusion makes. It creates a ripple effect. Not just for our nation, but for you individually. You have the power to pick, the ability to prefer, the responsibility to yourself to favor one thing over another. Are you exercising your power of choice? Are you impacting your world? Consider doing so on November 8th. Then keep going. Your ability to make decisions is uniquely yours. Begin the process and celebrate your choices…one at a time…mindfully…with resolution. Let Election Day 2016 be your turning point on personal and public decisions. Dare to get it right just by opting in to possibly get it wrong! Dare to decide!

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