Why People Will Stop Talking About Email

Why People Will Stop Talking About Email
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Facebook Ad Messenger Bots are, in my opinion, the next big thing in the world of advertising and marketing.


Messenger Bots can help you INCREASE subscribers, SKYROCKET your engagement, and make your Facebook presence MORE INTERACTIVE than ever before.

Bot is a general term used to describe software that automates a task. In this case, Facebook Messenger Bots automate communication between client/prospects and YOU, the business owner.

According to TechCrunch, Facebook Messenger now has 1.3 billion monthly users. And it is growing daily.

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One of the main reasons they are taking over digital marketing is because people LOVE using messaging apps and, I would dare to, say more than email.

Overall, chatbot campaigns are 4x-8x more profitable than emails. 🚀🚀

Typical email open rate- 5-20% Bot open rate... 60%+ 👀

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Intrigued? Below is an example of a Bot we have used:

As with any new marketing tactic, it is a good idea to come up with an appropriate strategy.

1. Have an end goal in mind and reverse engineer the Bot sequence process.

2. Think about what your customers need and how they could benefit from a Bot, then design the Bot around those specific needs. (You do not want to over promote with Bots. It is supposed to be a fun, personal experience. No one wants to be proposed to on a first date 😎 )

3. Test. Learn how your customers use the Bot and always aim to provide a better experience. You should constantly refine and improve your customers Bot experience for your customers.

4. View the Bot experience as you would an email campaign and create a meaningful experience for your user.

5. Have fun and remember that personalization drives engagement.

The opportunity to market with Bots is too large to ignore. Jump on this!

Andi Wickman is an entrepreneur, speaker, and Social Media Marketer. You can hang out with her in her private facebook group for small business owners who want to conquer Social Media.