10 Books Every Marketer Should Read

10 Books Every Marketer Should Read
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In order to be a successful marketer, you need to do more than read a few articles online to get an idea of what the trends are. Trends change, but basic practices and principals remain the same. If you do not take the time to read a few books by influential marketing professionals, you are likely to be left in the dark and not be as successful.

Likeable Social Media

If your business is part of the 47-percent of small businesses without social media pages, you really are making a mistake. Society is mobile and society is social. That being said, having a presence on social media is important for business growth. It also allows marketing campaigns to reach larger audiences faster.

Content Chemistry: An Illustrated Handbook for Content Marketing

For visual learners, this is an ideal handbook to have on-hand to grasp social media marketing, content creation, and how to use analytics to improve marketing conversion rates. If you follow the guidance illustrated here, you can become a marketing influencer. After viewing the information here, you will be able to understand the theory behind content marketing better.


Being a great marketer takes more than creating snappy advertisements and pairing them with the right photo or video. You have to be able to build a relationship with your audience and be useful to your customers. If what you are doing is not useful and is not producing results, changes need to be made to your strategy.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

In order to make an impact on your industry and become an influencer, you have to know how the consumer brain works. Persuasion and making society believe that they need something or it will make their life simpler is a good tactic. You have to be good with words, which is what Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion discusses. It also provides insight as to what the complete package to using psychological persuasion effectively is.

Trust Me I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator

If you are unaware of how to use media manipulation for growth, this is a great read. Marketing manipulation is the use of information in a controlling way. For example, by expressing your personal opinion in the intro of an article instead of facts, you will control the tone the readers will have.

Epic Content Marketing

This book outlines the facts and results of providing untrue and irrelevant content to your audience. It discusses how to draw in the right audience, make the biggest impact possible, and deliver relevant information. Relevancy is what makes marketed content more believable and authoritative in nature.

Digital Influencer, A Guide to Achieving Influencer Status Online

If you wish to become a digital influencer it takes a great deal of time, often years. Influencers are those that talk about a specific product or method (typically bloggers with large followings), entrepreneurs with new ideas, and industry leaders with cutting-edge technologies to introduce. In his book, John Lincoln, discusses the necessary course of action to become an industry influencer.

Driving Demand: Transforming B2B Marketing to Meet the Needs of the Modern Buyer

The needs of the modern buyer changes with trends, evolution, and advances in technology. When marketing in a business-to-business (B2B) situation, you have to be able to explain to a potential buyer, vendor or merchandiser how and why the product is necessary for themselves and their customers. In this detailed B2B marketing guide, you are given a clear outline to instill new practices for the new generation of buyers.

Think and Grow Rich

Your brain is your money maker in marketing. You have to think through processes before just doing them. A little extra effort needs to be made if you plan to make a substantial amount of income as a marketer. In Think and Grow Rich, you are informed of the first steps that those in business need to master, how to venture into marketing, and how to make large salaries.

Invisible Selling Machine

Anyone working in marketing should have a copy of "Invisible Selling Machine" by Ryan Deiss in their collection. The author speaks of segmentation, which is important for analytics and big data purposes. He even provides step-by-step instructions regarding how to properly segment. As a marketer, segmenting is something that you have to master.

Final Thoughts

Take notes in the books that you do read and create a couple of affirmations to use on a regular basis. The information you gain from reading books by marketing superstars can help you become an industry influencer and marketing specialist. This can help you be more in-demand in the future.