Ann Arbor Flasher, Older Man, Gets Away For 9th Time After Exposing Himself In Furstenberg Nature Area

Senior Citizen, Serial Flasher
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An older man exposed himself in an Ann Arbor, Mich. park before evading the police -- possibly for the ninth time.

The nude suspect is described as a white, heavyset male with grey hair between the ages of 50 and 80, was seen by a runner and a canoeist Tuesday evening in Furstenberg Nature Area, reports. It's the fifth time in the last couple months he's been spotted in the nude by unsuspecting park-goers near the Huron River.

According to the news site, this is possibly a "streak" of nine occurrences. Police are also looking into whether the man is the same described in a series of flashing incidents along Fuller Road last fall by a suspect described as "white, 6-feet tall, 170 pounds in his late 50s or early 60s with long, straight brown and gray hair and a long and gray beard." The man has reportedly targeted women, according to WXYZ, and is said to drive a small blue car.

But Ann Arbor doesn't have a local monopoly on serial flashers. The so-called "pantyhose flasher" has stayed under the radar since March, but not before allegedly exposing himself 16 times in businesses catering to women. Though he stayed out of Washtenaw County, the man in tights made appearances in a 60-mile radius. Described as a 50 to 60-year old tall white male with a stocky build, officials believed he drove a silver Jeep Grand Cherokee.

"It's possible that in the interest of not getting caught [the perpetrator] might have chosen to change up their method a little bit so they're not identified," said Canton Detective Sgt. Dave Schreiner, who was investigating the pantyhose flasher case.

Or alternately, there could be several exhibitionists, Schreiner explained to The Huffington Post.

"We received tips on a number of possible suspects which leads us to believe ... it's not such a rarity," he said.

Victims of flashing are often surprised and don't think to report incidents until later, said Schreiner, which makes it more difficult to catch perps.

"Your first response should be 'oh my gosh,' and hopefully the next thing is to call 911 or the police, not to stand there with your mouth open," he said.

"There are a few more weirdos than we were aware of."

Anyone with information regarding the Ann Arbor flashings should call the Ann Arbor police anonymous tip line at 734-794-6939.

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