Romney's Awkward Tin Fish Restaurant Visit Involves Hugs, Kisses, Face-Wiping (VIDEO)

Awkward! Romney Gets Hugged, Face Wiped At Restaurant

Mitt Romney had an awkward moment on the campaign trail Sunday when a Port Saint Lucie, Fla., restaurant worker got a little too close for comfort.

Preparing for a photo opportunity with the staff of Tin Fish Restaurant, a staff member reached out and wiped Romney's face with a napkin, first wiping the candidate's forehead, then both cheeks, then his chin. Romney smiles and laughs throughout, but appears to be surprised when the face wiping continues, shrinking back slightly and then finally jokingly and reflexively holding the man's wrist.

The presidential candidates apparently enter Florida restaurants at their own risk. In early September, President Obama also got some unexpected physical affection when visiting Big Apple Pizza in Fort Pierce, Fla. Owner Scott Van Duzer bear-hugged Obama, which led to a Yelp battle and media tour, as some saw the moment as spontaneous and heart-warming and others saw it as disrespectful.

HuffPost Small Business reached out to the Tin Fish but apparently their lines are jammed. We'll update you if we hear back.