Sony Cuts PS4 Price. Here Are 10 Games You Can Buy With That Leftover Cash

Say goodbye to your free time.

On Friday, the PlayStation 4 became a little bit easier to own. Sony cut its price from $399.99 to $349.99, leaving potential customers with a bit of extra cash that they'll no doubt spend on... PlayStation 4 games.

To help those folks -- and holiday shoppers -- out, The Huffington Post has compiled a list of 10 must-play PS4 games. We're a little early for some of the heaviest hitters of the winter season (think "Star Wars: Battlefront"), but there's more than enough here to get you started.

A quick warning ahead of the list: As is so often the case with big-budget, popular video games, a few of these titles contain fairly realistic depictions of violence and less-than-ideal portrayals of women and minorities. Even the very best games can be fun and brain-meltingly stupid (or offensive) all at once -- that's just how the cookie crumbles. 

The Last Of Us: Remastered
This game took the top spot in our overall list of must-play video games, so naturally it deserves to be on your PlayStation 4. This is a nail-biter survival horror title with a rich story and compelling characters -- don't miss it. ($49.99)
The less you know about "Journey" before going in, the better. Suffice it to say, the PlayStation 3 version deserves all of its many awards and nominations -- and the PS4 update is even better. ($14.99)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
The last part in a storied franchise, "The Phantom Pain" offers the tactical shooting you'd expect along with a sprawling open world and robust, competitive multiplayer mode. ($59.99)
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions
"Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions" offers arcade-y action smothered in laser-bright visuals. It's a bit overwhelming, both visually and in terms of gameplay, but the overall experience is rewarding and enjoyable in small chunks. ($14.99)
Critic Laura Hudson told The Huffington Post that this game, and others like it, offer "particularly incredible emotional payoffs." We have to agree. "Bloodborne" is a steep, difficult climb, but the victories are exhilarating. ($39.99)
Dragon Age: Inquisition
If you're the type to enjoy swords and sorcery in glorious high-definition, look no further. This entry in the "Dragon Age" franchise is a bit more action-oriented than previous entries, but it also contains all the requisite fantasy dialogue mumbo jumbo one could possibly hope for. ($39.99)
Batman: Arkham Knight
This latest "Arkham" game has its share of problems. Women are treated poorly, the dialogue might make you cringe -- but most players will find these issues outweighed by rewarding, tightly designed core gameplay. ($59.99)
Towerfall Ascension
This quirky multiplayer action game is tough to sum up -- it's kind of like "Joust" meets "Smash Bros" crossed with "Zelda." If you're looking for something kind of old-school with a modern edge, this is for you. ($14.99)
Axiom Verge
"Axiom Verge" was created from bottom to top by one man -- no small feat. It's a moody callback to the 16-bit era of video games (think Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis), but it also has modern trappings like a "speed run" mode. ($19.99)
Grand Theft Auto V
Oh boy. The latest GTA is repugnant on many levels -- it's violent and stuffed with sex, profanity and misogyny. Most will find something in here that turns them off.

But it's also a brilliantly designed, gigantic and immersive experience that seems somehow to be the result of certain genius. There are so many moving parts in "Grand Theft Auto V," and they all work together perfectly. If you can ignore the overall nastiness, it's worth experiencing. ($59.99)