C-Suite Insights: The Progressive Policy Institute: Focusing on Growth and Innovation for the Future

C-Suite Insights: The Progressive Policy Institute: Focusing on Growth and Innovation for the Future
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The C-Suite is a vast audience of leaders who all have a little extra insight into their industry and the current business world. I sit down with these leaders to give them the opportunity to share that insight and give a glimpse to their personal stories as a business leader.

I recently had the opportunity to interview Dr. Michael Mandel. Dr. Mandel is the chief economic strategist at the Progressive Policy Institute in Washington.

What is the Progressive Policy Institute? What do you do?

We are a Washington-based think tank research institute. We are pro-growth, pro-market, and pro-trade. There are exceedingly partisan views in Washington, however we believe most people want something in the center that is about growth and innovation and the future. That is what we focus on.

Business owners are concerned about innovation. How does regulatory policy impact innovation?

Regulatory accumulation has actually had a negative effect on productivity and innovation over the last 10 or 15 years. Democrats and Republicans have continued to layer on regulations without worrying about their impact on businesses.

As an example, manufacturing companies are hit by an enormous amount of regulations. Eventually, people develop a compliance mentality that makes it difficult for them to innovate.

Regulations get passed and they become outmoded, obsolete, and overlap new ones. We are suggesting a regulatory improvement commission that would have that power to propose a package of regulations to eliminate or to improve upon existing regulations.

What do you see happening with the modification of the banking regulations that helped free this market up for small businesses to get out of this strangulation hold they’re in?

The first thing that needs to be done is to accelerate the rate at which the SEC approves the regulations which allow small businesses to raise money.

We, as pragmatic progressives who believe in growth and innovation in the market, see that this movement in regulation has not brought about what was expected. We want to be able to pare away and then improve the system, and do this in a way that enables small businesses to raise money and allows bigger businesses access to the capital they need without putting the economy at risk.

Read more on this topic on our C-Suite Network Blog.