Trump’s Weird Toilet Tweet Has Twitter Users Wondering About A Certain Pee Tape

Trump's latest attack on Andrew McCabe and James Comey takes a golden turn.

President Donald Trump fired off a tweet on Monday that made an unusual reference to someone’s bathroom habits, leading to more than a few toilet jokes in response.

It probably didn’t help that he included the word “leakin.’”

Trump slammed former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe, who has claimed that Justice Department officials wondered if the Cabinet would support invoking the 25th Amendment to remove the president from office:

To many of Trump’s critics, the toilet references called to mind the unverified “pee pee tape” mentioned in the dossier on Trump compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. The dossier claimed that while staying at the Ritz-Carlton in Moscow in 2013, Trump hired prostitutes to perform a “Golden Showers (urination) show in front of him” on the hotel bed where then-President Barack Obama had previously stayed.

The tape has become a trope on late-night television, from “Saturday Night Live” to “The Daily Show.” CBS “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert even went to Moscow to rent that same suite.

Given the mythology of the pee tape, Trump’s Twitter critics chimed in with a stream of questions and comments in response to the tweet:

Before You Go

Steele Dossier

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