Glenn Beck Defends His Hitler Comparisons (AUDIO)

Agitated Beck Defends Himself
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On his Tuesday radio show, Glenn Beck obliquely defended his much-maligned comment that the Norwegian camp attacked by right-wing extremist Anders Breivik reminded him of a Hitler Youth site.

Beck caused an outcry on Monday after his comments hit the Web. On Tuesday, he did not mention the stir directly, but instead discussed a book about the early days of Nazi Germany that he is reading.

He said he saw parallels between Hitler's statements to the Germans and President Obama's statements to the American public. Anybody who expressed concern with what Hitler was doing was "ridiculed or marginalized or rounded up and killed," he added.

Beck's co-host jumped in to stress that this did not mean that there were "gas chambers in Kansas." An agitated Beck cut him off.

"Don't start," he said, his voice rising. "Don't even. Don't!" He got more and more heated as he continued.

"If we're living in a society where we can't say X in the same paragraph as Y and not be told we are comparing it...we are going to be a society of gas chambers," he yelled. If you can't have a logical conversation...the question is, does this country bypass the mainstream media faster than it's destroyed. I'm betting yes. It's called GBTV."

Beck then went on to make more comparisons between Hitler's Germany and Obama's America.