Police Standoff With Gunman In Brooklyn Liquor Store

Gunman Holding At Least One Hostage In Brooklyn Liquor Store
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According to a report by the New York Post, police have surrounded a liquor store in Brooklyn where authorities say a gunman is holding at least one person hostage, possibly the owner.

Gunshots were reported inside Arrow Wine & Liquor stores on Ave. N at 1:30 this afternoon, and police arrived shortly after.

The number of hostages being held is still unconfirmed. Hostage negotiators and "heavily-armed" police officers have made a perimeter around the store.

UPDATE: Fox News reports that all of the hostages have fled the store, and one gunman has turned himself in. As of 5:10 pm there was still another gunman in the store.

UPDATE II: The Times reports that the armed standoff ended without incident. The two men in the foiled robbery turned themselves in Wednesday afternoon.