Move Over Downward Dog: Shelter Cats Join This Yoga Class To Raise Adoption Awareness

Move Over Downward Dog: Shelter Cats Join This Yoga Class To Raise Adoption Awareness

Na-meow-ste, yogis.

A yoga studio in Illinois recently welcomed shelter cats to one of its classes to help adoptable felines find loving homes, Herald & Review reported. Yoga at Connie’s, in Latham, teamed up with local Homeward Bound animal shelter for the very special event.

The idea for “Yoga for Cats” came from Jeanette Skaluba, a volunteer at Homeward Bound and longtime student of Connie Pease, who operates the studio. Skaluba has done yoga with her cat, Oreo, thought a joint class would be a great way to promote animal adoption.

“Cats rule the Internet,” Skaluba told Herald & Review. “But that trend hasn't increased adoptions.”

So, the duo found a new way to encourage shelter pet adoption. Earlier in June -- which is Adopt-A-Cat month -- six friendly cats from Homeward Bound were brought to the studio, encouraged by students to interact and join in on the activity. According to Herald & Review, instead of a fee for the class, Homeward Bound accepted donations and supplies.

"I love cats, so obviously it was going to be great," Pease told The Dodo. "It was an opportunity for people who like cats to help the shelter."

The event raised over $500, and one cat has since been adopted, the site reported. And Skaluba and Pease are already planning more cat classes for the future.

“By taking the cats to something like a yoga class, people have the opportunity see and interact with them outside the shelter,” Skaluba told The Dodo. “It gives these cats exposure and shows their personality.”

We’ll get our cat-cow pose ready.

Before You Go

Courtesy of Yoga at Connie's
Courtesy of Yoga at Connie's
Courtesy of Yoga at Connie's
Courtesy of Yoga at Connie's
Courtesy of Yoga at Connie's
Courtesy of Yoga at Connie's