Lakeview Area Master Plan Revealed: Changes In Store For Affluent Community

WATCH: Big Changes In Store For Affluent Lakeview

Lakeview might not be the first neighborhood you'd think would need a spruce-up, it being one of the wealthiest parts of the city. But that didn't stop the intrepid souls at the Lakeview Chamber of Commerce, the Lakeview Special Services Area (SSA 27) and other groups from taking stock of the neighborhood and coming up with ways to improve it.

The collection of innovative recommendations was released this week: entitled the "Lakeview Area Master Plan," it describes everything from pedestrian malls to "living walls" to ornate walkways under the Brown Line tracks.

Rather than read about it, why not take a look? Here's Matt Nardella from Moss Design, a firm that worked on the project, showing off some of its highlights. (Hat-tip to Curbed Chicago.)