Proof That Even The Worst Days Can Be Turned Around By Your Dog Welcoming You Home

Proof That Even The Worst Days Can Be Turned Around By Your Dog Welcoming You Home

When life has kicked the living daylights out of you, when you see no light at the end of the tunnel, when you're just. so. damn. tired, your dog will be there to welcome you with a wagging tail and lots of kisses.

In the Mayhew Animal Home's new pro-adoption commercial (above), a dog's unconditional love is put in the spotlight as three people's miserable days are washed away by their four-legged friends waiting for them at home.

The Mayhew, based in London, is a rescue and rehoming center that also works to raise awareness about animal adoption, according to its website.

For more information on how to adopt a pet in the U.S., visit the ASPCA's website.

h/t Uproxx

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