Twitter Users Mock Dr. Oz By Turning 'Challenge' To Dr. Fauci Into Brutal Meme

Mehmet Oz, a Senate candidate in Pennsylvania with a history of giving medical misinformation, wants the infectious disease expert to debate him on COVID.

Former TV doc Mehmet Oz apparently so wants to debate Dr. Anthony Fauci that he’s releasing really thirsty videos on social media.

On Saturday, Oz, now a U.S. Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, even though he’s a probable resident of New Jersey, posted a video begging the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to engage him in a debate about COVID-19.

Apparently Oz has tried repeatedly, but Fauci hasn’t responded to the offer, possibly because he doesn’t want to amplify the opinions of a man who is already known for pushing medical misinformation.

Oz tried again on Saturday.

Fauci hasn’t responded to Oz’s debate offer, but many Twitter users did.

Many of them turned the tweet into a meme that brutally mocked Oz.

One person regretted not being familiar with Dr. Oz’s particular debating technique sooner.

Pennsylvania holds its primary on May 18. A recent poll indicated Oz is leading other GOP contenders with 27.4%, according to

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