New Year's Resolution: Help the Homeless

As we embark, not only on a new year, but a new decade, please consider supporting the important work of transforming lives of the homeless.
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The new year inspires most of us to start something new, or to make some type of resolution. Many of us want to lose weight or stop smoking or even change their career. Statistics show that 46 percent of people stick to their resolution or commitment past six months. That's a staggering statistic considering that our commitment and resolve to help those in need could never survive and people would continue to go homeless, hungry, and disenfranchised if our commitment to fulfill our mission was only at 46 percent.

As we embark, not only on a new year, but a new decade, please consider supporting the important work of transforming lives of the homeless. A commitment to volunteer, donate, and support the work of transitional homeless centers will help countless numbers of homeless people change their lives. I ask that individuals consider volunteering. Volunteers are needed across the country to help in kitchens, health centers, workforce development and other services that are essential to transform the lives of the homeless. Your efforts will assist us in closing the gap between those who have, and those who have not.

Here at the Weingart Center in Skid Row, Los Angeles, we have numerous opportunities for volunteers to engage with the homeless in a meaningful way that enhances the lives of the homeless and the volunteers. This interaction is essential to the growth and development of the homeless who live in our communities. Last year, we had a group of volunteers, the Weingart Partners, organize numerous fundraisers and volunteer countless hours at events for the homeless. Their efforts secured vital resources for the Weingart Center. Without the support of these individuals we would not have had adequate resources to conduct the transformative work that the Weingart Center is so proud of.

I encourage you to call or visit the homeless transitional centers in your community. You can visit the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to find a list of organizations in your community. You may feel intimidated and scared of the unknown; however, you will meet amazing people who are overcoming incredible challenges, and will have the fulfilling feeling of knowing that you helped them do it.

So in 2011, remember that a New Year's resolution is not always about losing weight or giving something up, but it can be about giving to others