The Bernie Sanders effect

The Bernie Sanders effect
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I have been active in the Democratic party here in Colorado since 2000. Here in Jefferson County frankly, the majority of the loyal Democratic activists have been mostly retirees.

It's not a critique of the party, it's just the way it has been.

The leaders of the local party would ask the same question...

How can we get young people engaged in the Party?

Today, at a routine canvass I saw something that has been missing - young teens volunteering to get Bernie Sanders elected.

Heck, these guys are 15 and 16 years old, and won't even be able to vote this election, but they care about the direction of the country and their future.

My name is Evan Roshak, I am here canvassing for Bernie Sanders because I strongly agree with his message to re-inspire and promote a political revolution in which our Democracy belongs to all, not just a certain select few.

I also think we need to re-inspire our youth, my friends and the people who go to my school to see that Democracy is possible and that this political campaign is all about that

Evan recruited his two friends to come to canvass as well.

Jonas summed up his feelings on Bernie nicely:

I'm for Bernie because he wants to create a Nation for everyone,
not just the top 1%

(Young Dems, Evan Roshak, Jared and Jonas Escobar)

More from a guy that gives me hope for the next generation of Democratic voters.

(Bernie) He's the only who is talking about it, that education is a Human Right.

Young African Americans are unable to find work, unable to find college, unable to find education and they are incarcerated unfairly. So there's all these pressing issues that Bernie Sanders is actually addressing instead of just pushing it to the end of the closet.

And that's something I really respect and that's something that I want to help to the fullest degree

As Evan and I canvassed, I found a guy who was just soaking in all the 'old guy' campaign experiences, my stint in radio, campaigning in Iowa in 08, and the power of Young people to change the future.

When we were asked why we need Bernie by a lady at her front door, I was shocked and pleased to hear Evan give a detailed explanation of how Bernie Sanders wants to bring back Glass-Steagall and reign in the corruption on Wall Street.

As we walked he was asking me all about different policies and the future of our Country.

But the most important part of the day came towards the end of our canvass. My 15 year old colleague asked me this question.

How old do you have to be to run for office?

I smiled and told him 'just 18' and I could see the wheels beginning to turn in this bright young man's head.

As I dropped him off at his parents, I thought
"I'd vote for that guy"

That's a young Democrat that is going to be involved and grow our Party for years to come.

Today I saw something I have been waiting to see - a return of the Activist youth movement like the 1960's.

That's the Bernie Sanders effect