SHORT AND TWEET: Top 5 Tweets Of The Week From The Fringe And Famous (PICTURES)


Short and Tweet, our weekly series, brings you the newsiest, most buzzworthy tweets of the past seven days. What's in store this week? Lindsay Lohan's bad news, the tweets that took down Twitter, Twitter CEO Evan Williams' DM fail, and more.

About Short And Tweet: Some tweets make news, and some of those tweets break news. HuffPost Tech's new weekly feature of the top newsmaking tweets of the week will showcase both.

We'll be posting our picks for the tweets of the week, but we want to hear from you, too: tweet us suggestions using the hashtag #hptweets, email us links at, or use the tool below to upload screenshots of noteworthy Twitter posts. See last week's picks here.

Short And Tweet: September 18 - September 24
Lindsay Lohan Tweets Drug Test Result(01 of05)
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Early last Saturday morning, Lindsay Lohan tweeted the results of her failed drug test. The following Friday, a judge denied Lohan bail and sent her back to jail.
The Tweet Heard Round The World(02 of05)
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Australian teenager Pearce Delphin (@zzap) took responsibility for this week's massive Twitter hack. Delphin claimed that he exposed the original cross-site scripting (XSS) exploit. The glitch quickly became a Twitter epidemic, spread by thousands of users. Pearce tweeted, "No one tell 4chan about this, ok guys?"
More Troublesome Tweets...(03 of05)
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Norwegian Magnus Holm told the New York Times that although he did not discover the XSS flaw, he did write one of the first ("harmless") worms and did not intend any harm. "I only (as far as I know) started the first self-repeating worm," Holm tweeted a day after the Twitter attack, "Masato Kinugawa found the real exploit."
Braylon Edwards' Twitter Mishap(04 of05)
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New York Jets receiver Braylon Edwards was arrested early Tuesday morning for driving drunk, but his Twitter feed remained active while he was still in police custody, reports USAToday (via PFT). The presumably grostwritten post, which has been removed, read, "GoodMorning World...Winning is the goal, perfection is the aspiration, & dedication is the key to unlock the door #LetsWork."
Evan Williams Suffers A 'DM Fail'(05 of05)
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TechCrunch noticed a DM (direct message) fail that exposed a private message from Twitter CEO Evan Williams to an unnamed user. It just goes to show that no matter how careful we try to be online, even Twitter executives make mistakes.