Twitter Co-Founder Biz Stone Featured In New Stoli Ads (VIDEO)

STOLI GETS BIZZY: Twitter Co-Founder Stars In New Vodka Ads
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Stoli just got Bizzy--Biz Stone, that is.

Stolichnaya Vodka's new ad campaign features the tagline "Would you have a drink with you?" So far, writes Fast Company, celebrities like Hugh Hefner and Julia Stiles have participated. Now, Stoli is going geek with an ad that stars Twitter co-founder Biz Stone. Two Biz Stones, actually.

The video features the Messrs. Stone drinking Stoli cocktails and discussing Twitter's impact on the world.

"Did it ever occur to you that Twitter is just a constant stream of meaningless babble?" Biz 1 asks Biz 2.

"You're not seeing the big picture," Biz 2 replies. "Astronauts are tweeting from space. And the pace of business changed forever."

The ad ends with a voice over that says, "The most original people drink the most original vodka." Stone fit this profile, a Stoli spokesman told the Wall Street Journal, because he is "just a normal person and he changed the world."

To see Biz Stone in double, check out the video (below). Also, view our slideshow of comedians' most hilarious drunk tweets by clicking here.

WATCH: [via Fast Company]